You'd think it was my birthday!

Friday, Aug. 30, 2002 19:02

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CWF brought back a buttload of gifties from her trip abroad. She bought Boy a bunch of Scottish-themed toys and books. She bought Hubband a print of an old map and a shot-bottle of "Heather Cream" licquor. But, because she missed my birthday and sicced her mom on me, she bought me the coolest stuff of all!

A tiny puzzel in a can of a Scottish loch and castle.

A 2003 Calendar of Scottish lochs (which is extra cool because it starts the week on Monday instead of Sunday!)

A beautiful pink wool scarf.

A beautiful hand-painted silk scarf.

An earring and necklace set of pretty blue glass teardrops set in silver, from Bath.

A funky stone necklace with stones meaning "serenity" and "wisdom".

Two prints of cards by a Scottish artist (exquisite!).

A pretty gold shawl to wear at the wedding (she bought one for all us "girls").

A Celtic pen.

A pen from the Brittania.

A silver Celtic bookmark.

A beautiful square of glass within which is etched a red daisy and the words "Thank You". *sniff*

I think that's it. Oh, and some gross candy and some Haggis. (It was a joke.)

We spent the day at work today downloading and enjoying her pictures.

I did do two productive things today:

I made an appointment with the counselor at my school of choice. We'll be meeting Tuesday AM to discuss my chances of getting started on my continued education. She thinks she might be able to get me into the session that starts 9/11. I think that would be nice. (I think I want to make it a habit to do nice things on that day from now on.)

I also signed up for this internet diet support thing. It wasn't any more money than I've given to Andrew over the last year and 1/2, so I didn't feel like they were ripping me off. I'm hoping it will help. I've gotten so off track from my vacation, but I want to still pursue that healthy life. So far, so good. I plan to plan tonight and tomorrow, then start going for it on Sunday.

Must to have a plan, Captain.

Speaking of which, has anyone seen "We Were Soldiers"? I'm not sure if I've gotten desensitized from seeing too many episodes of "China Beach","Saving Private Ryan" and "The Thin Red Line" or what, but I just thought that movie was bad. Unless Madeline Stowe was on the screen, I pretty much had my thumb down on the go fast button. I can only see a kids head blown off so many times. And then they killed that cute little Chris Klein. (Like we didn't know that would happen!) And Sam Elliot really needs to grow back that mustache. (Oh, I suppose he could just call me on the phone and talk to me for an hour,too. Grrrr.)

If I sound like I'm soulless and don't appreciate what our men did for us in Viet Nam, it isn't that. I've been there when the nightmares started for the vet that I loved long ago. I know what it can do to a person. I just don't think it makes good entertainment to wrap a sappy, cliche around a few hundred death scenes and call it a movie. No matter how much of it was "based in fact".

I'm going to get my butt in gear now and watch the other movie I rented while the Hubby is still enjoying his baseball game.


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