Nagging Fear

Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2002 12:39

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My good (best) friend's dad passed away this weekend. It was not unexpected at all, the man has been gravely ill since we were teenagers, but that doesn't make it any easier for her. I can't imagine how she must be feeling, so I selfishly think about my own feelings. As I was reading his obituary, was startled by the many things I hadn't known or had forgetten over the years. That he was 10 years to the day older than my own mother. That his parents' names were familiar in that they flow throughout their family. That he was a veteran of the Korean War. There were two grandchildren I hadn't known existed. Everyone's formal names were used. Nobody ever called them by these names. Not in all the time I've known her. Not in these...sixteen? seventeen?...years. The article mentions hospice care, which means there were probably some agonizing decisions made.

I can't help thinking how my Husband and all his friends are orphans and now, of all my dearest, longest girlfriends, I'm the only one standing with two parents. I'm scared that I may not be able to dodge this bullet forever.

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