Whiny Girl Needs Nap

Tuesday, Feb. 05, 2002 06:40

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Busy day ahead. At least for a day off.

There's an appraiser coming at 9:30. This means I have about 2 hours to make our home look like it's worth 25 grand more than it actually is. It makes me very nervous. I love our home. It's darling and cozy and we've put so much into making it that way. However, the neighbors don't really feel the same way about their homes and winter is not the best season to view our neighborhood.

If only I could just contain her to the kitchen...sigh.

After she leaves, I have to figure out what to wear and then head up the highway to a job interview. I would go with my more dressy casual attire, but this one is at a financial company. They're a little on the conservative side, usually, so I think panty hose and dark suits are the requirement.

In other words, I'll be freezing my ass off.

I would really so much rather just hang out at home and stamp stuff all day.

I think last week's snow "storm" has thrown me off my game. I'm in a little bit of a funk, and I can't tell if it's because it's February, and I'm always in a funk in February, or if it's because of the job thing, or if it's because of the weight thing.

(Geez, Caribou, do you think it could be all three?)

I've never really understood it, but February has always been the most horrible month to me. It's cold, without the benefit of Christmas. Spring is still too far away to be a factor. It's the shortest month and yet it just seems like the longest, somehow. When I was single, I'd often take a vacation in February, just to have that week of change.

As for the job thing, I just hate the feeling of looking for work. I interview well, usually, because I know I can do almost any job put in front of me. But I hate the whole process of working with recruiters and contract companies. It's that whole hurry-up-and-wait scenario. And the local job market sucks right now.

All things considered, it's good that I already have a well-paying job, huh?

As far as the weight goes, I just haven't made it a priority lately. I've overscheduled myself and missed workouts. I've gone back to poor eating habits. It's like I just can't be bothered to take good care of myself. Which, of course, is stoooopid. I only end up feeling like crap in the end, which makes everything harder.

Why do I expect friends to follow my advice when I don't even follow my own?

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