Happy New Year!

Tuesday, Jan. 01, 2002 11:24

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I am excited about the new year.

2001 was such a life-changing year for me. I don't mean because of the 9/11 incidents, that was life-changing for the country. Personally, I feel like I've changed. It seems as though I've finally come into my own.

Another thing I realized this year: I'm going to be married to the Hubband forever. There will be problems and rough spots, but we'll get through them. God willing, we'll be old and gray together.

Last night we went out, something we don't usually do on New Year's Eve. We drove downtown to our friends' the JB's. We were so tired. A couple of drinks and a few minutes on their comfy leather sofa put us right to sleep. I played cards with them and their folks, but Hubband could barely keep his eyes open. They have a wonderful kitty, too. Hubband's highly allergic, so that just complicated things.

We finally called it a night about 11:45 and headed home. We figured it would be good to be on the road while everyone was still revelling.

We got home about 12:30, kissed the Little Boy and the Nana and then fell into bed.

Today, we are off to our friend Squirrel's who is gathering friends to watch the Citrus Bowl (Go Blue!). (They should get their clocks cleaned!)

Afterward, I'm going to take Nana to the movie I promised to take her to over the weekend.

There'll be time to talk about resolutions later.

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