Hey! Who doesn't love me any more?

Tuesday, Apr. 16, 2002 13:02

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I think I take this stuff way to seriously. Someone "unfavorited" me. I'm not even sure who, to tell the truth, so it shouldn't bother me. And, I've trimmed my favorites recently as well. (My rule is: No updates for 30 days? You're history.) So why does this bother me? Why does it make me feel like I'm just not entertaining enough?

It's hot. I'm not complaining. I'm just stating the facts. I'm a 55-75 degree kind of gal. 85 record-busting degrees in mid-April is a little much for moi. (She said as she licked sweat from her upper lip.) Still, it is pretty and the trees are starting to leaf. I prefer it over snow.

I am thinking seriously about starting a b-log just for my weight issues. I'm trying to recommit to the process and it does me good, I think, to write about it. However, I'm not sure I want to go into it here. I know from experience those kind of day to day details can get a bit boring if you're not in the same groove. I'm thinking about it, anyway.

Right this minute, I'm trying to decide if I want to go to Linens & Things to look at A) pots and pans, and B) bedding. I don't really NEED either, but I want both. I have to take Little Boy to the dentist this afternoon so it's a matter of whether I want to go now or go in the evening.

I think I want to go now. Or at least soon.

I will probably babble more later.

You're thrilled, I know. See what that person is missing?

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