Houston We Have No Problem

Thursday, Feb. 28, 2002 17:47

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Geez, don't update for a couple of days and everyone writes a ton in my absence.

Things have been...I don't know...weird, lately. I think I've been focusing on work a lot more than I realized. We've had some more personnel changes - these in the upper stratosphere of the company and really quite surprising. The CFO came up twice this week to chat about them. This is something I feel very good about, because he likes me and I think a little face to face time was good for us. Helped him recall why it would be cool to have me around all the time (I hope!). Boss-man was off Monday during CFO's first visit and my friends pushed the point of my being "needed". CFO was surprised we were all aware of the possibility of my going full-time because he thought Boss-man was "driving this". I let him know that I was "driving" the damned thing. He seemed pleased and said we would have to talk next week when the President is back in town. Meanwhile I'll just work on making myself essential to the team.

Tuesday, for some reason turned into a pity party of sorts. I'm not sure what was up with me, perhaps the weather. I was expecting school to be called and it wasn't, even though there was a good six inches of snow on the ground by the time school started. It was a weird snow, however, and didn't stick at all to sidewalks, roads or driveways. (Could it have something to do with the fact that it was 61 degrees the previous day?)

Since I had pretty much talked myself out of going to the gym already, I dropped LB off at school, picked up some junk food, grabbed a coffee at Starbucks and some DVD's to watch. I spent most of the friggin' day eating crap and playing solitare.

Do not ask me what was wrong with me. I don't have a freakin' clue! I felt horribly guilty afterward and spent the rest of the evening berating my inner child. To make up for it, I went to the gym after work last night.

Is it just me or is it more difficult to work out in the evening? Man, I was exhausted. Overly exhausted. I guess I'll have to get used to it, though. Full time will mean squeezing in workouts where I can. (I am not getting up at 4 AM to work out. Oprah can have that shit.)

Today was a lovely day. Hubband had the day off and we got to play all day. It may sound selfish, but I love that we have these occasional breaks where we can send LB to school and just pretend we're newlyweds again. We went to lunch and then shopped all afternoon.

And it was like the magic shopping goddess was smiling on us because we found almost every little thing we were looking for. Hubband didn't really find his hat, but found a place that was just down the road from his work and willing to order it for him. I not only found the black capri pants with beaded fringe, but also the kelly green turtleneck that I had spied before Christmas - on sale for $12!!!!

Just for fun (and cause we needed toilet paper) we stopped at the grocery store we used to shop at when we were first a couple. We were unloading the groceries at home when BB pulled up. He had come over to ask for some ideas for a couple of school things and was surprised to find Hubband home. (That means he came by just to see me!) Since this is the third time we've seen him this week and he's planning on being here overnight on Saturday, I guess I'm not mad at him anymore.

He had a research paper due that had to be 6 pages long with 8 different resources on anything. He was asking me for any ideas. I suggested he write about the online music business, since I'd just heard a report on NPR last night that was pretty interesting. I figured it would be something he would be interested in and it wouldn't be too hard to find resources about. He seemed to think it was a good idea. (She beams with motherly love!)

So, that's our day. LB is home from school and BB has gone home. Hubband is watching "Apollo 13" for about the billionth time and I'm doing this. I think I'm going to warm up some dinner and settle into the TV. "Survivor" starts tonight and the Olympics are over. I'll eat and do my nails and eat some more. It'll be great.

Hopefully, more tomorrow.

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