I'm not working tomorrow and you can't make me.

Tuesday, Jan. 08, 2002 00:13

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It's very very late.

I should be very very tired.

Hubband went to bed a long time ago, still recovering from his weekend. He thinks he may have picked up a virus, because what else could be making him feel like he's all achey and having stomach problems?

Right, Honey. You just spend the next several days sleeping off that "virus".

I hear that viruses go around at tailgate parties.

That's what I hear, anyway.

I'm taking tomorrow off. It's my normal day off, because I'm part time. I'm just not putting in a lot of extra days this week.

Too stressful. They don't appear to appreciate it anyway. If they want me full time, I'm game. If they don't, I'm game for that, too. This somewhere in the middle stuff is not good.

Instead, I think I'm actually going to the gym. And from there I think I'll drive out to my favorite little stamping/scrapbooking store in Romeo. (A quaint little town about an hour from here.) Just because I can. And because I need a break from this computer. (I have mouse elbow.)

Or I may just come home, pay bills and watch DVD's.

It's just fun not to HAVE to do anything.

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