I don't have to work, I just get to bang on the drum all day!

Wednesday, Mar. 27, 2002 19:34

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I am now the owner of a four-day weekend. A four-day weekend with a baby-sitter on Friday night. An OVER-NIGHT babysitter on Friday night. Hubband and I have apologized for our offenses of last night, so all is well. I have tomorrow alone and then Friday with the boy and Friday night with the Hubband. Yep, good stuff.

Today, at work, we had an interesting day. Boss-man called off sick due to flu-ness. CoWorker friend went home with a toothache (commencing in root canal). So it was just JB and I and our hopelessly out of place male coworker, TG.

Poor TG has been trying to fit in with our little group for so long now. He worked for this little company for years and years and then we acquired the company, fired all his co-workers and made him work with heathens who swear and yell and laugh about sex all day. He's older. He's very, very Catholic. He's socially inept. (And he kind of smells like nursing home.)

Since most of the rest of us have worked together in one form or another for years (it's like Six Degrees of EDI) it's been a difficult time for TG. Lately, he's come to me asking if I know what he's done to piss off CoWorker Friend and how he can get in her good graces. I was honest. He didn't have to DO anything and the best thing to do is just stay out of her way. She doesn't really like people and will be the first one to tell you that. She's just as scared of losing her job as the rest of us, and her way of dealing with it is to make herself feel important. Leave her alone. Let her be pissy. Don't worry.

Since then, I feel like I've bonded with TG. I've tried to treat him better, too. (Because God knows, I can play the Superiority Game just as much!) Since we were only three today, we decided to go to lunch together and it turned out pretty nice. I'm finding myself managing to keep my language sort of in check without compromising my own principles and we're getting TG to open up a little. (Of course he loves JB. Who doesn't? She's adorable.)

CoWorker Friend called me later to tell me that she got home okay from the root canal so I wouldn't worry about her. She's very pain-sensitive and I tried to convince her to stay home tomorrow if she's still feeling bad. There's not enough work to do right now and she's just miserable when she's in pain.

Grandma just called regarding my mother's birthday, which we're celebrating on Sunday. Mom had asked for a couple of CD's when Grandma pressed her. (We're getting her a printer for her computer.) Grandma is getting her one CD and bought her a blouse. Mom didn't want a blouse. She didn't ask for one and doesn't need one. She's getting one, though. And I'm getting the jacket back that I gave Grandma last weekend for HER birthday. (What the hell does one buy for an 82 year old woman who doesn't do anything?)

It's okay. I think I really bought the jacket for me. :)

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