My name is Caribou and I'm an *NSYNC fan. ("Hi, Caribou")

Tuesday, Apr. 02, 2002 10:29

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My mother will be 61 tomorrow. I am going to be 39 this August. Last night we went to the Palace of Auburn Hills to see *NSYNC wsg Smashmouth. I've rarely had so much fun. I am, however, quite deaf. Teenage girls can scream at levels I'm sure only dogs can hear, but I enjoyed it.

It tried to get my son to go with, but he thought it might be too loud. He was right, of course. He usually is. And from what I saw around me, most of the younger crowd were bored/tired by the time the main act was half over.

I'm sure that there are several of my faithful readers that are currently shaking their head and thinking, "Caribou? What are we to do with you?". But these bands truly put on a wonderfully entertaining show. I found it totally amazing that these young men can move the way they do and still sing (and most of the time they *were* singing!) or even breath. The stage effects were fabulous and frightening in their complexity. What a wild time!

On the way home my mom took my hand and kissed it. She said, "I'll never have to worry about being old as long as I have you, will I?"

Nope. I don't think she will. :)

Other good news?

We think we've found a Senior Living Center to which Grandma might give her consent. It's much closer to home than the others we've looked and very affordable. It has all the ammenities - laundry service, dining, elevators, transportation, activities, emergency pull cords, etc. - and she has a friend that has already put down a deposit. It's also *not* a nursing home in any way, so I think she won't feel like she's being put away. I hope she'll take it. It will make my mother happy and I'll feel better about her safety. I also feel like she might blossom again if she had more people to interact with daily. We'll see.

Little Boy is on Spring Break so we are going to the gym this afternoon. It is a dismal, grey, rainy afternoon so I'll take him for a swim after my workout.

I'm a little worried, having not been to the gym since I was ill last month. But I must go. I want to get back to where I was last summer and then go the next step. I want to learn to eat better. That's this year's goal. But if I'm not working out regularly, I tend toward the cranky. I'm argumentative and snappish. And sooooooo lathargic.

So I'm off. Have a good day.

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