Nyquil apertif, anyone?

Friday, Mar. 08, 2002 18:55

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I'm back.

Didn't even know I was gone did you?

Not gone really...out of it. Sick. Weird, backwards sick. Usually, when I get these things (and I DO get these things) it starts with the itchy, watery eyes and the sore throat; progressing steadily to the completely stuffed nasal passages and into the clogged bronchea where it will sit until antibiotics have been applied. This one tricked me. It started Sunday night with a weird kind of gurgling when I would breath. By Monday night I was spiking a nice fever and coughing incessantly.

I spent the next three days on the sofa (it helps ease the breathing if I sleep in a somewhat upright possition) either piling on the blankets because I was freezing or kicking them off because I was dripping in sweat. I found out that the bigger one's muscles are, the more they ache. I called in sick to work and watched daytime television. It was all about me, my remote, my Nyquil and my 2-Liter bottle of Coke.

Yesterday, I actually got dressed and stayed that way all day. Today, I went to work and pretended to join the world of the living. I lasted almost six hours before they told me to put whatever I wanted on my time-card but take my sneezing being home. (It's been a bad week at work, too, with one or more of us off every day. Ugh!)

I'm so sick I'm going to skip the prepaid stamping class tomorrow. I'm just not up for an hour drive two and from, then 5 hours of sitting in cramped, dusty attic space. I'm trying to look at it as saving the $100 I would have undoubtedly spent instead of wasting $35 on the class, but it still sucks.

I do have to admit, I do like this dizzy kind of feeling I get when I turn my head quickly and all the mucus shifts to the other side real fast.

Cheaper than drugs.

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