Olympic Fever

Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2002 07:58

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Change of plans for the day. I'm not going to be making the trek to Ovid just yet. I decided, instead, to catch a showing of "Monster's Ball" at the Main Art theatre, which is just down the road and around the corner from a rubber stamp place that I haven't been to in years upon years.

I have to tell you: I am SO into the Olympics this year. Did you see us kick that half-pipe's ASS? It awesome! I was secretly glad that Little Boy didn't decide to get too into it because those boys were flying without nets. (Somehow the women didn't look so frightening but they rawked as well.)I stayed up late last not to catch the horribly misjudged pairs skating. (Again I must point out that part of the requirement should be keeping one's ass off the ice!!) Then, this morning, I got to catch some of yesterday's Curling match between Canada and the US.

It's all good.

I am currently waiting for the Oscar nominations to be announced. Yippee! The Academy Awards are my Super Bowl. I'm hoping that a couple of movies I've missed earlier in the year get nominated so I can enjoy a second run.

We'll see.

Good news on the work front: Boss-man finally talked to the CFO and got his approval to bump me to full-time. Now all he has to do is get the nod from the CEO and we're good to go. We're thinking of the first full week in March as a start date. This means I need to start making doctor, dentist and opthamologist appointments ASAP.

Work has actually been going better all around. I'm in one of those self-improvement modes and it's effecting all aspects of my life. I'm using my planner to help me be more efficient as well as to let me know at the end of the day that I actually have done something. I've been dressing a little more professionally as well, what with the two new suits and all. It's true what they say about that. I carry myself more professionally and don't swear nearly as much when I'm in the suit mode. (Hell, one of the big dawgs even spoke to me yesterday - twice!)

I guess I better run off now. I've got to get ready for the gym.

You all have a great day and maybe I'll catch you later?

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