Will that be one lump or two?

Sunday, Oct. 06, 2002 18:51

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This is a picture of us girls at CWF's bachelorette tea party yesterday. It was held at the very chi-chi Townsend Hotel in Birmingham. (Which I sometimes call, "Birrrrmingham, Dahhhling.") Seated are, from the left, CWF's Best Friend and JM, who used to be my therapist until she started to really need one herself. (It's not as bad as it sounds, she's really just very cool.) Standing are CWF (again from the left) and myself. (Didn't recognize me with all my blonde fry-lites, didja?) I would be leaning over more but for JM's hat and my cleavage-flashing wrap sweater.

I loved the whole thing and think CWF enjoyed herself as well. It was a little touch and go at first. I wasn't expecting the whole thing to be held in the lobby hallway, CWF wasn't expecting to be seated next to the smoky bar, and neither of us were expecting the overly-loud piano. But as the afternoon unfolded it was just more and more fun. While the others had been there and done that, this was my first tea. I so enjoyed the beautifully mis-matched cups and plates, the tea, the tiny sandwiches,and the scones. We were the first to arrive and the last to leave. They stopped short of throwing us out. It was such a lovely, giggly, GIRL thing.

Afterward, we all went our separate ways and I ended up hitting a couple of my favorite stores. The day was so beautiful and I had enjoyed many a compliment so I was feeling good to match. (I love it when I get compliments from complete strangers!) I just didn't want to go home. But the sidewalks roll up early in our ritzy little burb, so I did go home.

Hubband was working on the Christmas tape (annoying) and, of course, drinking. Mom and Boy were still at a movie. When they got back, I had toyed with the idea of having Mom go hit some stores with me, but Hubband offered her a beer. That put an end to my enjoyment of the evening right there. She stayed for three hours regaling us with stories of her rotten job. She finally left at 11 pm.

Today has been nice. Lots of love words floating around. One of the CD's I bought at P0ttery B@rn the other day has a Bobby Darin song on it called "More". I love that song. It so sums up how Hubband and I feel. We played it about 10 times today.

We shopped all day and managed to buy Boy some new clothes we hope will get him through the winter. We realized this morning that nothing he has will fit him. Hubband brought home a T-shirt from a store near his work ~ a men's size SMALL ~ and it barely fits. Luckily, Hubband is a laundry doing fool so we can get by on the barest minimum of items.

Oh, this week coming up...Yeesh.

Monday ~ Final papers due and final group presentation.

Tuesday ~ Working, which is so weird.

Wednesday ~ Hoping to get back to aerobics.

Thursday ~ Again with the work, which is so weird. Picking up Boy's tux. Trying to find the right hair thing. Buying more adhesive for the Xyr0n because I am so out of the sample.

Friday ~ Rehearsal & dinner then spending evening convincing CWF that being married is better than being single.

Saturday ~ Manicure & pedicure. Take all dresses to the church. Keep bride from bolting. Hope Hubband can get Boy dressed and keep him from bolting. Wedding. Reception. Home about 4 am, I'm sure.

Sunday ~ Stamping party at friends house.

Then the whole week starts all over again. Ugh. I need rest.

1 comments so far

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