Just getting on with it

Monday, Jan. 28, 2002 07:00

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I feel like I'm walking into the Lion's Den today. Work should be ultra-stressful this week. I hope to hear from some of my feelers I put out, but still, I don't want to quit this job if I don't have to. I was tickled to death to get my W2 this weekend and find that I still made more than Hubband last year, even working just 3 days a week! (Gloat, Gloat, Gloat!)

Yes, I know. Pride is a sin. Pride goeth before the fall. Bad, Pride, Bad. But Hubband has this irritating tendancy to go on and on about how he doesn't understand my making this kind of money when I don't have a college degree under my belt. He doesn't get that I've got experience under there instead. Experience in a field they've just now begun to talk about in colleges.

Unfortunately, it's a field that is growing and I hope I don't have to swallow that pride and take a lesser paying full-time job. He'd probably rub it in.

He's not usually mean like that. It's his own self-esteem that's the issue. He's not ambitious in the slightest and is happy to hang out at the same job forever. The job, unfortunately, doesn't pay all that well. But - working for a hospital - he has the awesome benefits that allow me to move up for a buck whenever the situation presents itself.

(I'm sorry, I'm always obnoxious when I'm nervous.)

Y'all go over to my friend Roadiepig's diary and cheer him up, okay? He's a great guy and is feeling a little blue today. (I think it's the football. He takes it hard.) But he's still awesome and one of those guys that make women believe in the idea of "Mr. Right". Stop by and give him a shout out. He'd like the company.

Yesterday was one of those Sundays where I feel like yuck all day. I had a headache from the time I got up until the time I went to sleep.

We had dinner with the Nana and the Grandma. This served as a reminder why we don't have dinner with them both more often.

Little Boy was absolutely off the wall hungry all day and more than a little wound. In the evening, Hubband found his pill had fallen on the floor so he never did take it. It was interesting, because he's doing so much better. If not for the appetite that wouldn't die, I might not have known. (But I'm a mother, we always know.)

It was a beautiful day and I just feel like I wasted it with all of the negativity and sadness.

Well, today is a new day and there's no need to dwell on what might or might not happen.

Have a good one, too.

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