My Own Private Waterford

Tuesday, Jul. 02, 2002 10:46

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I am so tired lately. It must be because I haven't been fitting the gym into my schedule. That and this heat are just draining me of any energy. But I have been keeping up with the house pretty well. I love coming home to a clean, cool house. This morning I woke up and it was freezing in here. I cuddled up in the blankets and enjoyed it for a little while longer.

No beach today. Have to run some errands. Got a B-52's concert tonight. Need to go get Grandma to sit with Max until Nana comes home. Need to buzz to Target and get a Hawaiin (sp?) shirt to wear to our beach-themed company party tomorrow.

I'm starving. Eating out of control. Nerves and stress over the work thing, but mostly just don't give a (bleep) anymore. Too hard. I know I'm whining. I don't care right now.

Good news this week! CoWorker Friend is getting married. I will be co-bride-thing with her friend from Ann Arbor. I'm not sure I'm looking forward to it. I don't relish the idea of the fancy dress thing, but I'm so very happy for her that I will do whatever she asks.

Right now, the most important thing I can do is remember that this is her wedding and not mine. I tend to want to plan everything for her, instead of just giving input where asked. And then I went and got all jealous-like cause her mother wanted to do a bunch of stuff. Duh. I'm an idiot sometimes.

The main hurdle we have is that she wants to get married this Sweetest Day. That gives her three months to plan, one of which will find her gadding about Europe and cruising the high seas on the QEII. Luckily, she has the church all settled and hopefully she'll be able to get the reception site she wants, too. Then all she really needs to worry about before she leaves are invitations. (Which I told her I would address for her while she's gone.)

She only wants about 100 people and they are having another whole wedding for his side of the family in Canada afterward, so I think it's totally doable if she doesn't get too bogged down in the details.

Which I think is where I come in.

It was easy to decide what to do for her "bachelorette" party, though. High Tea at the Townsend Hotel Tea room. She doesn't drink much and I figure at our age, if you've seen one dancing naked guy, you've really seen too many. She loves real tea service so I think that's what we'll do instead. I already told her and she thinks it's great.

I'll let her family deal with the shower. Have at it. I'm not going to be responsible for silly games that she'll hate.

What else, what else, what else?

Nothing really. I need to buy food for Thursday's picnic. We'll be doing the family birthday for Little Boy then. I think he'll get fewer presents this year but will be pleased with what he gets. He's been pretty mature about the whole thing, actually. I've had his presents stacked in the corner here for about three days and he's only mildly wiggie about it. The nice thing about his birthday being on the 4th? Even though we've invited the entire family, only about six people will show! Woo-hoo! The rest will be out of town.

Except my Dad who will be riding with his Biker's for Jesus group in the parade then cooking out with his mother-in-law. (Nope, not kidding. Christian motorcycle fiends. Run, don't walk.)

It seems there was more to tell but I can't remember what it is for the life of me.

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