Last Day Of The Part-Timer

Thursday, Oct. 03, 2002 07:07

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Today, my last day as a part-timer, is going to be a busy one. It's school picture day. School picture day = hyper boy. He was out of bed before anyone else, getting dressed and prettied up. I have to pick up the bridesmaid dresses from the bridal salon. That's no biggie, but it's right smack in the middle of the day and in a very congested part of the area. That means I won't be able to squeeze in a movie. I also have my Learning Team meeting tonight and a couple of things to put together for it. And I have to make the house presentable for Hubband's boss, who may or may not be having beers on our deck this evening.

I would have gotten some of this stuff done (i.e.; school work) last night if not for the fact that I was greeted at the door with computer problems. W0rd had somehow gotten deleted from our computer while Hubband was trying to create a cheat sheet for Boy to study with. Not only did that make it impossible to revise, or even look at, any of my school papers, but led to Hubband spending hours going on about how it wasn't his fault. I figured it was like most of his problems, just a little goof. Nothing that wouldn't be quick to fix, but I was wrong.

Long, long, long story short, Big Boy ended up coming over after work to install his new version of 0ffice. He had called earlier to bail on us, but when he heard of our dilemma, he changed his mind. Gotta love that boy for saving my ass.

I was in such a fowl mood last night, I ended up going to bed early. Ever have one of those nights when you can't stand to even look at your spouse? Nearly every other word coming out of his mouth just made me want to scream. I think it started with the computer thing and progressed with the pizza ordering. I was giving them delivery instructions and he was shouting from the next room the exact opposite information. Why? because he assumed I was calling a particular store, which I wasn't, and he seems to think I never know what I'm doing.

Perhaps I was just mad at myself. My week off from my diet is proving to be less fun than I imagined. I feel all lumpy. Just that time, I guess.


Look at the time. I should get going if I'm going to get all this stuff done and still have time to hang in my studio for a few this afternoon.


2 comments so far

Where I Be - Wednesday, May. 23, 2007
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out of Hiding! - Saturday, Dec. 23, 2006
Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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