I may never eat pizza again

Friday, Aug. 09, 2002 07:16

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Yesterday was nice, as far as birthday's go. I felt a little blue most of the day. Couldn't for the life of me figure out why. This morning I found out I forgot to take any of my medication. Oops! Combine that with the hormone levels being all whacky and it's no wonder. Could also be the way I've been eating. As always, in preparation for changing my eating habits, I stock up on the old ones. I've been on a pizza and Coke diet for most of the week. Last night I was so riddled with caffiene and sugar, I'm surprised I could sleep at all.

Feeling all crappy like that, I wasn't really looking forward to dinner at my Dad's. He only lives about 25 miles from us, but it's an hour drive because there's no good way to get there from here. Seeing as I was already tired (gettin' old I guess), I wasn't relishing the idea of being around their loud partying selves. It was really nice, though. The food was yummy and they got this HUGE chocolate cake with about an inch of frosting on it. Ugh. I'm not sure who they thought would eat all that. They sent half of it home with us for Hubband and he threw most of that out. They gave me some very cool crafty-type stuff, including the full-size Fiskars paper cutter. Yay! Then we sat on the porch and laughed for awhile until I really had to haul it home.

I heard from most of my loved ones yesterday. CWF called me from Scotland! And Jim called me from Cali! Calls, of course, from Nana, Grandma and Dad. Even Uncle Sweetie calling the night before was a nice surprise!

A few more gifts to open tonight with Nana before we go to the Martina McBride concert. And the Birthday-fest is over.

One especially nice thing that happened yesterday ~ Hubband gave voice to feeling like he might want to get back into shape. I told him that would be great if he could join me in my quest for healthiness. It would make things so much easier.

This time around I'm taking all the support I can get. I usually shun it and diet in secret, then when it doesn't work out I don't have to worry about being embarassed. Not this time. This time I'm telling people and asking for their help.

Still need to work out the plan, though. The first thing? I'm going to delete Spider Solitaire from my computer! That should get me off my tuckus. Sometime tomorrow I'll clean the house, too.

Gotta go stretch something.

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