But I Want To Play, TOO!

Tuesday, Jul. 30, 2002 14:08

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My friend is evil. She took me to a rubber stamp party last night. I bought stuff and totally blew my budget for the stamp convention this weekend. Crap. Plus, she went to this party, thrown by all her scrapbooking consultant friends, and now they're going to include her in their stamping club. Here she is, totally new to the game, and she gets to join their club. Experienced me has to sit on the sidelines waiting for someone to die or something before a space opens up. Crap. Also? I had the urge to ask the woman how I could learn more about the unlimited earning potential of being a demonstrator.

To be fair, their prices are pretty good and they have a lot of stuff I'm not often able to find in some of the area's stores. And the quality of the items looks great. I just can't imagine who I'd sell the stuff to, since I'm the only one I know (or at least knew until last night) that does this type of crafting.

Once, when I was in the throes of postpartum depression, I got sucked into the Mary Kay cult. I'm telling you, those women are scary. I ended up investing $500 in products I couldn't move with a forklift. No one I new at that time wore makeup and those that did were alergic. Since I wasn't working I didn't really have the network of girlfriends who could come up to me and ask me for a lipstick or concealer.

After the thrill of organizing my sample case was over, I realized I'd made a mistake and drove out to the house of my 'sponsor' to give her back all the stuff and accept my full refund as promised. I think I stood there uncomfortably for about two hours while she tried to act like it was totally offensive that I was giving up so soon. Tough, woman. Next time you want to take advantage of someone in a precarious mental state, make sure they don't have a backbone.

I still like their lipstick a lot, though. Buy some every chance I get.


Today I had planned to get up and go to the gym. Instead I slept in, trying to rid myself of the sleepiness brought about by a 3:30 am sneezing fit Boy had. Whole family up for a party in Boy's room. Knock Wood! At least this one wasn't accompanied by the usual bloody nose. I think we've found an alergy medicine that gives him relief without drying out his sinuses too much. (OTC, unfortunately, but it's better than the alternative.)

Instead, I might go to the gym tonight or just wait and go after work tomorrow. (Which is more likely what I'll do.) But I want to walk or ride my bike tonight, regardless.

Today, well, what's left of it, I need to do the following: dishes, bills, sort through my paperwork, clean out Big Boy's closet, make grocery list.

Not too much and you know I'll probably only do half of it! LOL.

I am dressed, at least. And the bed is made. And I have a lovely pot roast going. (I love the smell of garlic, onions and celery ~ mmmmmm.)

Boy is dressed and has brushed his teeth. Hasn't done much more than that, unfortunately. If I were Hubband I would kick him out of the house and make him go do something resembling activity. I'm not, though. I'm the one who takes advantage of the quiet to get some crap done!


Heard from CoWorker Friend yesterday. Her flight out of Detroit got delayed due to weather and she probably missed her flight out of Chicago. She didn't seem to upset about it, basically because there wasn't much to be done. She left her wedding notebook with me, so it wouldn't get lost and in case I needed any numbers. She managed to make two changes to invitations I've already addressed (dammit) and let me know that her mother will be contacting me (goody!) to get the Canadian invitations and work out the postage and ~ oh, yeah ~ give me cards with their website address on them to add to the invitations.

So basically I should wait before I do any more invitations? Yup, thought so.

Love this wedding stuff.

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