An entry before the pot-luck coma begins

Friday, Dec. 21, 2001 06:31

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This is my last day of work for 13 days.

And I'm sure we're all thinking that's a good thing after yesterday.

I lost my cool a little at Boss-man and acted like I was 12. I'm not sure what's up with that. I haven't felt this way in quite a long time now. Holiday Blues? Severe PMS? Just me being a beyotch? I don't know.

But today will be fun. I'm sure. It's the last day before the holiday and we have pot luck and there'll be presents and goodies and it's pay-day.

I'm thinking of actually going out this weekend to buy that damned computer. (Not the $5,000.00 one the boys were looking at, but the other one.) Or maybe I should wait until after Christmas. Don't they all go on sale in January? I want a CD burner is all. I could get one for $50. and be done with it if not for the temptation of flat screen and photo-friendly printers.

Yesterday, as I was making a mad dash from Little Boy's school, he mentioned the whole "I know about Santa thing". As I didn't have time to go too far into it (he's good at that) I just made a point of him not spoiling it for the little kids and said I would talk to him about it at home. When we finally chatted about it, I think he seemed okay. I asked if he wanted to continue to pretend and he said, "Yes!" immediately. I told him that was fine and we could do that for as long as he wanted.

I forgot to mention that I stumbled upon something the other day.

I had planned with Hubband to wrap the boys' presents on Tuesday afternoon - being as that was the only time I was assured Little Boy wouldn't burst in on me. The Santa Paper is under the Big Boy's bed so I went after it. In doing so, I noticed the case for the PlayStation Spiderman game that is Little Boy's latest obsession. We've rented it over and over again from BlockBuster for about the last month. Since the PlayStation is in Big Boy's room, it's not unusual for parts of games to end up under his bed.

As I reached for it, planning to bestow the virtues of taking better care of BlockBuster property, I realized this was not a case for the game we rented, but one still wrapped in cellophane from the store. This was the one we gave Big Boy to give to Little Boy for Christmas (he actually bought it from us).

I was thinking, "That's not a very good hiding place!" when I spied beneath it...

... a charger for a digital camera!!!!!!!!

Again, not very well hidden. And I wasn't looking on purpose. And I feel really bad! But...

...Goody! Goody! Goody!

That Big Boy is the coolest.

Plus, it's almost totally vanquished the temptation I have to tear into presents early. Almost...

When I arrived home last evening from a long, horrible day of work and shopping, I found Hubband dressed in jeans, a tee-shirt and his flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He was coming out from under the sink with a crescent wrench in his hand. He had a few grimy smudges on his forehead and his hands were dirty and he smelled all...manly.


He had not only been plumbing, he had FIXED the garbage disposal. As he stood there grinning and demonstrating how the water was going smoothly down the drain, I was overcome by desire. He was all testosteroney and smelly and I think he'd actually grown more body hair as we were standing there.

It was all I could do to contain myself.

Thank God the moment passed or we might have had to have some spontaneous sex or something. :)

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