I'm just a ramblin; r-a-m-b-l-i-n; Ram-blin!

Wednesday, Mar. 13, 2002 07:52

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It's a good thing I decided I wasn't going to the stamping class. Shortly after my last entry I had a relapse and there was no way I would have made it to the class on Saturday. During the night I had spiked another fever, leaving me in an even more pathetically kitten-like state for the day on Saturday. Luckily, we had no other plans and sitting on the sofa watching old movies and "Buffy" worked out splendidly. I literally did not leave the house from the time I got home Friday until the time I left for work on Monday. (The kind of thing that sends the Hubband pacing.)

Coworker Friend absconded with Little Boy for the afternoon. They went to a movie (the new "Peter Pan" which I'm sure has Walt spinning in his grave) and back to her house to play with the kitties. Normally, this would be an ideal opportunity for Hubband and I to "launch the monkey", however I couldn't imagine such strenuous activity being anything close to enjoyable. Nope, just the tv and my blanket and Coke. That's all I was up for.

Saturday night, I did end up sleeping more soundly, though. So much so that, after Little Boy woke me with his good morning kiss on the head, I went back to bed and slept until my mother called at 11:00 am.! I don't think I've slept that late since Little Boy was born. It just felt so good to sleep without the feverish dreams and hacking cough, I couldn't make myself get up.

Apparently, that was what the doctor ordered because I felt so much better upon waking that I was giddy for the remainder of the day. I'm still enjoying the feeling of being able to breath with my mouth closed as well as the ability to move about without a full on drenching in sweat. I'm even enjoying being out of the house!

Never understimate the high of good health!

Unfortunately, my appetite has returned as well, but I'm trying to be concious of it. The Coke thing has been easier to give up than the last time. I need to head to the store tonight and buy some salad fixin's and fruit, as we have eaten all that was formerly in the house.

I don't feel like I'm ready to return to the gym, quite yet. Deep breathing is still a little of a struggle and I remember when Hubband was working out while sick and ended up with wicked pneumonia from it. Now that I know I can take a little break and bounce back, I'm not so worried about missing a week or two.

Yesterday we finally closed on the mortgage. We should be getting the check on Tuesday. It was a painless process once we got down to the brass tacks of what the problem was and provided some helpful documentation to the closing agent. Hubband had planned to take the day off but had been out of work anyway due to power outages. It was a nice day. Beautiful and Springish and just the two of us bouncing around town.

Good news, also, the chair will be delivered on Thursday. I took Hubband to visit it yesterday and he admitted it was the perfect chair. The size and scale are just right and it is very, very comfortable. I'm glad he understands the reason I paid so much for it.

Now, if only the job thing would work itself out... It's so frustrating to have that hanging over my head. Now it doesn't seem like such a huge deal, since the mortgage will take care of the outstanding debt we've accrued recently and we'll be able to manage fine on what we've got.

That was another great thing about being sick. I don't think I spent a dime all week. I kind of realized I have more "stuff" than I could ever need and may have kicked the shopping thing! Whoo-hoo!

But now, I must get dressed and go to work.

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