Schedule Flexing

Sunday, Jul. 14, 2002 09:43

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Dad and the Step-Monster are coming over today for a BBQ. Dad called yesterday to see what time and I told him 2 or 2:30, if that worked for him. He proceeded to launch into a long explaination as to why he may or may not be a little late because he made conflicting plans (involving church - big surprise). Then again, he might not have conflicting plans. In that case he would probably be here much earlier so he could spend more time with me. (Thanks, Dad.)

And then he told me he invited my StepBrother.

I have no problem with my StepBrother. He's a good guy. As with my Dad and Stepmonster, we have absolutely nothing in common. But that's okay. He's still a good guy and we love him.

But I didn't invite him. So what gives Dad the right to invite him without asking me first?? Of course, he's welcome. He's always welcome. He's family (sort of).

But. Ask. Me. First.

I am having a problem with the people in my life and their total disregard for my schedule. I wonder if it's because I work part-time?

On the 4th we had invited one of our friends (and her husband and two little kids). We told her what time dinner was being served and she said, "That's what time the boys go down for their nap so we might be a little late." Cool. There's plenty. We even waited a little while to see if they would show and then finally ate. (Hubband's fam is anal about their dinner time rituals, don't you know.) So we're just finishing up by the time they arrive and she seems a little perturbed. I totally understand that little ones can't tell time and naps and things must be had, but don't expect me to work that into my already made plans people. Mmmmm-kay?

Then this week CoWorker Friend and I made plans for her to come over and drop off Boy's birthday gift and finally ask him to be in her wedding. THAT MORNING she tells me she's blowing me off to attend a ball game. I get to go home and tell Boy she's not coming which does not make him happy.

Oh, I know I'm whining. I'll get over it.

Plans for today:


Get Dressed.

Get Boy Dressed.

Got to store to get extras for BBQ.

Come home.


Lounge about.

Sounds like a winner. (I really need to scale back, though. Don't want to stress myself out.)


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