School Bells!

Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2002 06:42

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Back to school. Can you say, "Happy!"?

I'm so out of touch with any type of real schedule. I'm giving myself these two off-kilter holiday weeks to get in the groove. As we speak I'm about 15 minutes late getting the boy out of bed.

He was so cute. He put himself to bed last night early so he could get enough rest and then, of course, couldn't sleep. I could hear him cussing at himself (No, Not ReallY!) until about 10 pm. Whereas Hubband fell into bed at 9 and went almost immediately to sleep.

I'm a night owl married to a two-towed sloth.

My toe hurts.

This is how stupid humans can be: The other night I was trimming my lovely toe nails with scissors and just cut right into one of my toes. It was as if I were making one of those slits in meat to put the garlic clove into? Except it was my flesh. I kind of sat there watching the blood start to form and thinking, "Boy, that was stupid." I hate that part, don't you, when you know something is going to hurt like hell in a minute but your brain hasn't quite gathered the information yet?

So, anyway, it hurts.

I'm not sure yet, but I think I'm feeling better today. I'm choosing to feel better today anyway.

I did call CWF's Mom back last night. She had wanted a number of things. I was honest. Told her we had been to a funeral in the AM and that today was Boy's first day at school so I was really just wrapped up in all that. Didn't really have time to come over and look at the maribou feathers she bought to decorate her shoes. (I was able to suggest that this might not be the most practical way to distract from her leg braces. Hopefully it will take.)

I wish CWF were coming back to work today. Boss-Man will be at the convention downtown and I'll be alone with Tom. ALL DAY! Hey, it's a new pay week, maybe I'll just ditch out early?

Cause there's nothing to freaking do!

Actually, I plan to spend the better part of the day surfing the web for college information and making appointments with counselors.

Well, I'm now edging on 30 minutes late getting the boy out of bed. I should get going. Don't want him to be late.

(Wow, I'm nauseous. Could it be the West Nile? I think I'll have a banana and see if this feeling goes away.)

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