
Wednesday, Oct. 02, 2002 07:31

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Yesterday was enjoyable. Too hot. But I was trying to be very "in the moment" of having the day off. I would have liked it a little more if I had not spent two hours at the salon, but I tried to make productive time out of it by bringing along some reading material.

After leaving there with my newly highlighted roots, I went in search of the illusive Xyr0n machine. I had the coupons from J0Annn's and M1chael's both, so I figured this was the time to get one. They had the one I wanted at M1chael's, but I only had a 40% off coupon. Then I tried J0Ann's but they didn't have the one I wanted. So I drove to the next M1chael's store and left with my purchase tightly in hand.

The Xyr0n is very, very cool. But I think I was expecting something a little more high-tech. I didn't realize there would be a crank handle involved. It is fun, though, and very addicting.

As I was already in the process of going through my magazines, I practiced on a couple of pictures, making stickers of a pear and a row of chairs. LOVE IT! I spent the rest of the evening cutting out pictures I like from magazines.

Sounds kind of like a kindergarten stalker, huh?

I am drawn to beautiful photos and like to use them for inspiration. This just makes it more fun, I guess.

Or I'm just a craft geek. Could be that, too.

My cycles have become so predictable, it's amusing. Friday through Monday with the progressively more paranoid sadness, compounded by the wicked voices of carbohydrates calling to my uterus. Then, suddenly, I'm in the productive mode and all is right with the world. It's a beautiful, sunshiney place when I'm not doubled over with cramps and the only problem is not being allowed to sleep for the 15 or so hours I'd like.

Will someone please tell me what was up with "Buffy" last night? I so didn't get it. I think I was distracted by my magazines, but it still seemed a little confusing.

But they did confirm my suspicion that Spike was intending to get his soul back all long.

Must go shower. I need to wash all this product out of my hair.

4 comments so far

Where I Be - Wednesday, May. 23, 2007
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out of Hiding! - Saturday, Dec. 23, 2006
Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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