Sexy Suit Battles Blues

Thursday, Feb. 07, 2002 06:53

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I'm not sure what was going on with me yesterday. The entire day I felt like I wanted to burst into tears. In the morning I was horribly crabby (pretty much annoying everyone at the morning meeting) and in the afternoon I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.

I think part of my problem was the recruiter called me as I was walking out the door to tell me she hadn't heard word one about the job I was so suited for. She was sweet and said it happens that way, in cycles, etc. But after the previous day's debacle, it just felt like rejection overload.

However, a couple of nice things did happen...

I got my two suits the previous day that I'd ordered from Penney's. Although they're a little more "polyester" than I would prefer, I must say they fit like a dream. And because it's been so long since I "dressed" for work, I wore the black pants/long fitted jacket combo yesterday. Coworker Friend said I looked both professional and sexy. Just what I was going for.

After work, Coworker Friend and I spent an hour or so in the lobby having a heart-to-heart. I was long overdue, I think. We've both changed so much lately, we tend to tiptoe around each other. We had one of those talks that reminds us why we're friends and I felt much, much better.

While we were talking, I got a call from the cute recruiter girl saying she had heard about the jobs that day. Unfortunately, the two that were within reasonable driving distance were out of my league, but they had my dream job at the too-far-to-drive office. In an effort to salvage something out of this, I told her I would be willing to travel to the far-away office once or twice a week if they could see fit to house me out of the Southfield office. She seemed to like the idea and is pitching it to her customer. (See? I'm all about compromise and problem solving! )

Then I came home to find municipal employees tearing up our street (literally) to work on the sewer. They've been working all night. Loudly.

Also, Hubband and Little Boy were studying for Friday's Social Studies test and that was a little loud. Hubband was getting quite frustrated trying to stuff all this information into LB's poor brain. Loudly. I put a stop to that quickly enough. (See Mama Tiger protect her young!)

Anywhooooo. I am finally supposed to have the oft postponed luncheon with Childhood Friend. I'm hoping there are no last minute "get thee to an interview" phone calls. This has been postponed several times and I'm looking forward to it.

And,I'm going to the gym this morning if it kills me. It probably will, but I need to get back in the swing. I feel too crappy when I don't do the sweat thing a couple of times a week.

Plus, I'm starting to be revisited by my paternal grandmother's legs. I thought those were long gone. Ugh.

If the day sucks too bad, you'll be hearing from me later.

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