The Final Shop Til I Drop Day

Friday, Oct. 04, 2002 07:06

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Yesterday didn't turn out quite like I'd planned. I never did get down to my studio ~ but that's definately on the plate for the weekend. Here is what I did do:

*Took boys to school.

*Went to Targ3t, where I bought: tons of Halloween candy, shampoo, a little travel hairspray for the wedding, index cards, stuff for Boy's lunches, stuff from the "Women Only" aisle, bandaids and plastic spoons.

*Came home and did a quick clean of the house.

*Talked to Hubband on the phone to find out his boss was not coming, after all. Also found out he may be getting two years worth of OT at some future point (WHOO HOO!) and will probably be promoted in the next year. (Not what he wants but he'll take it.)

*Went to several stores in search of the proper wrap for CWF's birthday/wedding gift. Found nothing.

*Picked up dresses.

*Did walking tour of all stores in the fancy-schmancy mall. I was actually looking for a jewelery-quality barrette to wear to the wedding. I actually came out with several catalogs, a couple of Christmas gifts, 3 CD's of cool, jazzy tunes from the P0ttery Barn, and two pricey hair doo-dads from this store called "Br1ght0n", which also has some gorgeous $225 purses.

*Stopped at a beauty supply place to check out their hair doo-dads and ended up buying a bunch of makeup instead.

*Stopped at Wh0le F00ds Market for some cookies and muffins. Found something called "coffee paper" while I was there. Looks cool so I bought two to use as journals.

*Came home to put away all my loot and got a call from Tom. CWF was out with a migraine and there was a mini-crisis. Fixed it.

*Picked up Boy, had mini-confrontation with his Spec. Ed teacher (whose name is Ms. Anger and it really fits her).

*Came home to finish stuff for Learning Team, only to have Hubband and Boy buzzing around me like gnats.

*Got to meeting late but not as late as the one who's ALWAYS late. Took on more work just to be done with the damned thing.

*Came home in time to watch fave shows and eat lasagna that Hubby had warm and waiting for me.

Never did manage to get in that studio time.

This morning I was up at 5 am. (Don't ask. You don't want to know.) I weighed myself, found out I didn't do too much damage since last week and did my updates. Now I wish I could go back to bed, but I still have to get Boy ready to go, shower and change.

I'm actually looking forward to starting the weekend. :)

1 comments so far

Where I Be - Wednesday, May. 23, 2007
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out of Hiding! - Saturday, Dec. 23, 2006
Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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