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Tuesday, Jul. 23, 2002 21:47

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Why am I tired? Haven't done much today to make me tired. Probably the two hours I spent power shopping this evening. Had to grab more stuff for CoWorker Friend's wedding as well as a gift for another wedding we were invited to, but cannot attend. (Cause we're doing sumpthin' much funner!)

My arm has been hurting all day. A dull ache that is sometimes in the elbow and sometimes in the wrist. And it's not the right arm, either, which is wierd. I'm right-handed. You'd think if I were going to do something painful to myself it would be with that hand. Could be a nerve thing caused either by the shoulder-bag syndrome or the weight of my ginormous mams on the bra strap.

Either way, it can quit now. I have a high tolerance for pain and it's making me want to cry.

Today has been a no-air-conditioning day! For the first time in I don't know when, I had to close the windows on the way home because it was chilly! That rocks!

Supposed to warm up again, though.

I paid all the bills today.

That was depressing.

But I've got ideas to get things back to order. I really wish I could look into the future and find out for sure if the full-time thing was going to happen. That will make a huge difference in our future financial plans.

I've been thinking about Grandma all day. I shouldn't have been so cross with her. It's not entirely her fault that she's clueless with the credit. You'd think it would be a good thing to never need credit your whole life. She just took me by surprise and she was so upset. I hope I can remember that tomorrow and be a little kinder. I owe her a lot and a few tiny favors wouldn't kill me, would they?

The next two nights Hubband will be gone. Tomorrow he's going to a Tiger game with his buds. The next night he has tentative plans to go bowling again. (So far his bowling partner has had to cancel about three weeks in a row.) I'm looking forward to the time to work on some projects I must finish by Friday. I made some progress today, but it was too beautiful to just stay in the house all day.

One last thing before I hit the hay - remember the Beach Party we had at work a few weeks back? Well, here's my prize winning costume:

Don't I just look like some grandma sitting on the deck of a cruise ship waiting for the next mah-jong tournament to start? Um-hmm.

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