Slacker Girl

Thursday, Oct. 24, 2002 06:44

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I didn't do my homework last night. Apparently, this is the week it's my turn to show up to the team meeting unprepared. (Actually, I'll probably do it at work...)

I'm so looking forward to Detox Weekend. I'm hoping that the Dude at work can get me the info I need on databases so I can finish all my homework by Friday night. If so, I'm seriously thinking about taking Boy and heading North on Saturday. If not, then maybe I'll just book us a room at a local hotel and let him swim while I work.

Hubband said I can get a laptop this weekend. Ain't he cool? This would allow me to stop at the calm, quiet library on the way home instead of trying to do homework in the chaos that is our evening home. It's not that the family is so rowdy or anything. It's just that the house is so small. And the computer is in the kitchen. Which is where Boy does his homework. And where Hubband is running around doing some of the 7 or 8 wifely tasks he takes on every evening. And then I end up on the sofa eating ice cream and watching "W0rst Case Scenari0" instead of doing homework.

I miss CWF. I miss having someone to just "chat" with at work. Not as much as I miss someone willing to take on the hard stuff, but almost as much. I miss JB, too. As I have for the last few months. JBH is a great guy, but he's missing the whole "girlfriend" vibe. (Whereas, BossMan had the vibe, but was missing testicles.) On the other hand, I kind of enjoy sitting in my office with the door closed and cranking away at a problem.

Unless, of course, that problem refuses to be solved.

Yup, then it's a pisser.

I think right now, I'm going to go run a comb through my hair, get dressed and wake up Boy. We'll see how much time I have left to devote to homework.


1 comments so far

Where I Be - Wednesday, May. 23, 2007
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out of Hiding! - Saturday, Dec. 23, 2006
Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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