Sleep Deprivation Rules

Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2002 21:43

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Neighbor boy showed up 15 minutes early this morning. I was standing in full view of the back door in my tee-shirt and panties. Poor kid.

CWF called on my cell phone while I was having my teeth cleaned. Thinking it might be important, the hygenist let me answer it. CWF called to say Boss-Man had given his notice (not surprising since I gave him the lead on the job). She asked if I was okay and I said, "Yeah, but I'm at the dentist." She says,"Oh. Can you hear me okay?" To which I replied, "Yes, but I'd rather talk when I don't have someone elses hands in my mouth. Can I call you back?" I was out of there in ten minutes anyway.

In related issues, my head has been killing me all day. (It's all that laying upside down with someone digging at my gums. Ugh. Let this be a lesson to you: Flossing is good.)

Also, CWF insists that the upper-ups will ask if she thinks its a good idea for me to go back to full time and if I would. I told her to have them ask me. She said she would, because it would be my decision, but if they asked her she would recommend it to them.

Timing is everything, right? Ugh.

I am not motivated to do any homework tonight. (This having to do with the whole head thing and my not having had but 5 hours of sleep last night.) I've got to work out some sort of schedule that doesn't have me up until two in the morning. I'm always so jacked when I come home, but then Tuesday is blown because I'm so hung over from being up so late.

The teacher's conference went well. Ms. Perky had the Special Ed teacher in with her for the meeting. Cool by me. I like feedback and input. It seems these ladies do as well. As these are Parent/Student/Teacher Partnership conferences, Boy was right there with me throughout. I did a good job, I think, of keeping my mouth shut and letting him answer questions for himself. I even pulled out the, "What do you think, Boy?" guns a couple of times.

It was generally decided that he needs to find more excuses to write so he can get used to putting thoughts on paper. He has great ideas, penmanship, spelling, etc.; but he hates the whole "writing" activity. (I think it slows him down, myself.) Also, she wants to push him to get to grade level on his reading. I think the timing is good. He seems more interested in reading than ever.

After the meeting, Ms. Perky sent Boy down to the Library for a few so we could talk. Seems they had questions about the Boy's "wandering" habits and wanted to know if this was part of his learning disability. They've been trying to push him a little to stay in his seat and wanted to know if this was okay with me. I told them I was up for anything, challenge him, but keep me in the loop so I know what's going on. They seem to think he's doing better and we all want him ready when he goes to Middle School next year.

I'd not intended to do more than put a couple of thoughts down to expand on tomorrow, but I guess I got carried away. Could be that the Hubband, whom I would normally speak to about such things, hasn't bothered to ask how it went. He hasn't bothered to ask much of anything. He did manage to go out for milk and take out for an hour and a half.

If he wants to go to the bar, he needs to just fess up. Don't tell me you're going to the damned store and then be gone for 90 minutes.

He came home with fried mushrooms and a fried shrimp platter.

I asked him if he was trying to slowly kill himself.

This is the same man that not three years ago wrote me a five page letter about how he was worried about my health and still constantly bugs me everytime I lounge for five minutes.


I need to go to bed.

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