Sleepy, sleepy!

Friday, Apr. 19, 2002 22:35

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I am tired. But at least our Obnoxious Neighbor is gone for the evening. Unfortunately, he's out with some skanky ho who is not Responsible Girlfriend. Hubband thinks this is a good thing since RG can do soooo much better, but I really liked her. Without RG, I really can't take much of Obnoxious Neighbor.

Another productive day at work. Sort of. I've been dreading it again. Dreaming that I've been fired. Paranoid about the monitoring of the internet usage. We're all on edge. Then today JB tells me she has an interview for one of the Big Three Monday morning. I'm sure she will get the job - who wouldn't hire her? But I can't bear to think of what life will be like around that place without her.

And then, wouldn't you know it? I'll end up going to full time right when I couldn't care less!!!!

Weekend coming up is too, too busy.

Hubband's birthday is Sunday. His Sister, Brother-in-law, his neice, her husband, his nephew, his wife, my mother, possibly The Girl, Big Boy, Little Boy, and possibly some small child the neice is babysitting will all be arriving for dinner tomorrow afternoon. I went grocery shopping for the event today. Barbecue food. (Or should I say "cook-out" food since the use of actual barbecue sauce is considered a bit "spicy" for this crowd?) I'm going to shake them all up, however. Instead of the usual lettuce-cucumber-tomato salad? I'm going with lettuce-walnuts-dried cherries-blu cheese! I know they'll just freak right out. They won't know how to handle it! Byah-ha-ha!

Uh-oh. Obnoxious Neighbor just returned from his date. Girl has left - definately a first date kind of thing - and now he's home alone. I swear if he starts up that stereo I will kill him. No...Wait! He's going to work! Glory Be! Sleep will be had tonight!

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Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
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Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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