Smiley Faces All Around

Saturday, Oct. 26, 2002 10:41

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One thing about staying up until 2am, makes it a little difficult to get up early. ;)

I was awakened at 9am by an obnoxious beeping noise that I couldn't quite identify. At first, I thought there was a large truck backing up in my kitchen. Then I thought Hubband's alarm was going off. Then I realized it was the pager. Grrrr. But it turned out to be a nothing kind of thing and I get brownie points for dealing with it maturely instead of like a whiney three-year-old.

So I stayed in "bed" on the sofa and surfed through the garbage that is Saturday morning TV until Boy stumbled out of bed at about 9:45. It was nice, but not very productive.

Right now, I'm waiting for my nails to dry and printing out my weekly menu and shopping list. Yup. Going to try to mosey back to the whole diet thing. It was working so well until I completely gave up on it. Why not give it another try. I was very please to note that I had not gained the twenty or so pounds it felt like I have these past weeks. Only three or so. I can deal with that. Hell, one good week of drinking water instead of C0ke will take care of that.

Boy is wanting to go out, so I think I might drive up to the new C0ldwater Creek store and check out the possibility of Xmas shopping. But that would be after I clean out the fridge and do the dishes and make sure Boy showers and so he doesn't stink up the joint.

I was hoping it would be sunny today and we could enjoy the full radiance of Autumn. This is probably the best weekend we'll have. It's already starting to dull and the days are starting to lean more toward the cloudy than the sunny. Our back maple is starting to turn, signaling the end of the season. Forecast is for snow on Friday, freezing cold on Halloween. I don't care. Bring it on.

I forgot to mention...

Hubband called me last night from Cousin's house and they were watching the same movie ("Insomnia") that I was! We're so in synch with each other, I swear.

Okay, nails are dry. Computer is printing. I need to brush my teeth and wash my face and get ready for the day.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. I know I'm going to. :)

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