The Snail Mail Cometh

Tuesday, Apr. 09, 2002 07:00

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Ahhhhh! Tuesday. A day just for me. At least as soon as I get Little Boy off to school. Although I would like nothing better than to sit at home and watch videos while I stamp on things, I must get myself to the gym this morning before I do anything else. (Well, besides this, of course.) But that is part of why I have these days.

Thanks to everyone who left compliments regarding the new page. I like it a lot, if I do say so myself. And it seems to have brought in spring as I planned. They are promising me temps in the 60's with sun on Thursday. We'll see...

I got a wonderful surprise yesterday. I received a letter from my one of my oldest favorite friends. She and I were thick as thieves in High School and college, but drifted some afterward. Truth be known, it was me who drifted first. I had a span of years in my twenties that are a bit vague to this day. Her life has always been more quietly complicated.

Through our lives it's been letters that link us. Never emails or voicemails but honest to goodness letters. It seems odd, since we don't really live that far from each other. But it seems to work for us. We exchange pictures and clippings keep up on the important things. When we were in college the letters were beautifully hand lettered with different calligraphy and bold inks. Today they are more likely to be computer generated. Still, that's as far as our technology goes.

She's not working now, lucky enough as I to make that choice. She sent me her new phone number and said I should call if I want to get together. I think I will. I miss her giggle. I miss the way she knows me and isn't afraid to show me myself. I miss her.

But not today. Today I am going to the gym. I'm going to Target for more printer ink. I'm going to rent some movies I missed at the theatre. I'm going to use the new stamps that came in the mail this weekend. I'm going to work on the graduation stuff.

I'm a busy, busy girl.

Guess I'd better get going!

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