Sunday Night Lowdown

Sunday, Dec. 29, 2002 19:34

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Hubband is still gone, which means there's no one here to complain about me watching an episode of Gilmore Girls that I've already seen [twice].

I did my duty and took my grandmother out to dinner. She paid and I pretended that we hadn't just seen each other Wednesday so all her stories and questions might sound fresh and interesting. My grandma is a sweet wonderful woman and I owe her a lot. She was one of my more powerful female role models growing up. Come to think of it, she was probably more of a feminist than she would be willing to admit. Single mother working in the shop for 30 years. I don't know how she did it. (Now if you ask my mother, she probably wouldn't paint her as such a hero.) Anyway, it bothers me to see her becoming so childlike, so quickly.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in the basement making birthday "cards" for my friends whose birthdays are this coming week. I took some paper that had been cut to bookmark length and made little book type things out of them. They turned out very cool. I hope they like them. I did. I'm thinking about sending out some New Year's cards in the same vein. I've missed a couple of people on my Christmas card list, and want to make it up to them.

We didn't get any mail yesterday. I can't remember the last time we didn't get any mail. We always at least get one of those damned 0% interest credit card things. And you'd think with all the new credit we've applied for, we'd be getting even more. (Weird how that works.) Anyway, I love mail and it ticks me off when I don't get any.

I should scurry. I'm tired and trying not to think about working tomorrow. Yuck. It's all the fault of the school system, you know.

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