Snow Day! Snow Day! Snow Day!

Thursday, Jan. 31, 2002 07:01

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The huge pusses in our district closed the schools. Back in the day we walked 12 miles up hill in bare feet in this kind of snow. Okay, but still. I'm not sure I would even break out the boots for this fluff. I think it must be the impending doom of (DAH-DAH-DAAAAH!) FREEZING RAIN that has everyone flummuxed. Whatever. I'll take it where I can get it.

I do wish there was a Starbuck's within walking distance, however. I'm out of Chai mix and this swill the Hubband calls coffee just doesn't do it for me.

Hubband is out shoveling. He's been out there since 6:30. He's the man. He even made our slacker neighbor feel bad enough to come out and shovel a path from his door to his car. I think it's a first. Usually he has his girlfriend do it for him.

The job search is still on. I have to redo my resume' this morning. Apparently, I've left too much off in the desire to keep it under 12 pages. I have a wide and varied experience that's often hard to put into words. Sometimes I think I'd have more of a shot if I just put: AT LEAST I'LL SHOW UP AND WORK A FULL DAY in big bold letters centered on a page.

Not to mention the fact that Head Hunters are the Car Salesmen of the new millenium. Ugh....

Okay, I'm going to go watch Buffy, since it's an episode I haven't seen, and drink some of this puke coffee and see if I can't remember all the things I've done over the last 3 years.


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