Snow Day Part Deux

Friday, Feb. 01, 2002 11:51

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I don't get it.

They not only closed school this morning, but the child care program as well. The exact same child care program that was supposed to be there when school was closed.

Is it snowing? Nope.

Is there freezing rain? Nope.

As a matter of fact, the snow that quelled all activity yesterday has melted quite a bit and in some places I've seen some very, very green grass poking through.

So what the fuh?

There is a wicked-assed wind blowing, but is that a reason to close all the schools?

Luckily, I had PTO time coming and everyone else made it into work this morning, so I won't be greatly missed. (Yes, even my friend, JB, made it to work and they were doing this mornings "horrible weather condition" news report from her neighborhood!)

So we went grocery shopping.

Then we went to Starbucks.

Then we went to Blockbuster.

I've put away the groceries, done the dishes and caught up on all my diaries. Now I'm going to order a suit, balance the checkbook and spend the rest of the afternoon watching videos in the bedroom while LB plays video games and soaks up Cartoon Network.

At least Hubband is at work today. Yesterday he drove me nuts. He just doesn't get the concept of snow days. They're for r-e-l-a-x-i-n-g!!! They're like a bonus! Except for the shoveling (which he takes far too seriously - I mean, there is not one speck of snow on our driveway) there is nothing required of us. We would have been at work, see, so doing laundry and dishes and stuff is just not expected.

He doesn't get it.

Anywho, I'm off to enjoy the rest of MY day. If I have to give up a vacation day for it, I think I should be doing something that requires reclining.

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