
Saturday, Mar. 16, 2002 12:13

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Hubband and the boy have gone out into this beautiful sunshiney pre-spring day and left me to my own devices. He does this more and more often these days, the Hubband. He gives me the gift of quiet time. And, at the same time, he feels as if he's being a good dad. He told me once that he doesn't remember ever going somewhere alone with his dad. Isn't that sad?

Last night I made pizza and we ate it while watching this mediocre movie that was way, way too long. So this morning, while I was eating the cold leftovers (which is half the reason to have pizza in the first place) I put in "Say Anything" and watched it again. (This time without the commentary.) I love that movie. It is so good. So tight and real. It's an hour shorter than the other movie, yet by the time the movie is over I realize I know everything I need to know about the characters to really understand them. It is not a "teen" movie, just because the movie is about teenagers. It's a great story.

Well, I should pop off to the shower now. The Nana is going to take the boy to see "Ice Age" this afternoon whilst the Hubband and I do some shopping. It would not do well to have me be all nekkid when she arrives now would it?

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Where I Be - Wednesday, May. 23, 2007
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
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Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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