Spring, Day 2 = Blizzard

Thursday, Mar. 21, 2002 14:42

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It's cold. Really cold. Like colder than it's been in over a year.

Spring comes to Michigan.

I'm avoiding housework. Just so you know.

Yesterday was one of those days at work were I end up feeling like I'm the only one not losing my mind. I had an "unofficial/official" chat with Boss-Man yesterday about the seeming clash of personalities in the office lately. For a change, I seem to be the only one not directly involved in the cross-fire. Unfortunately, I'm becoming the "go-to" person everyone wants to talk to about it.

This combined with the onslaught of warm weather and school vacations, plus a distinct lack of customers, had us discussing the whole full-time work thing. Ummmmmm, yeah. I don't think we'll be pushing that any longer. We mutually decided to just drop it unless the Executives bring it up again.

So, now, I'm playing with the idea of what to do with the time off. And I'm thinking about going to college again. So that's what I've been doing this afternoon. Researching area colleges. I think I have it narrowed to Baker (which is the local 4-year "we'll take anyone who can pay us" college) or University of Phoenix with their accellerated grown-up business classes. (They also have an e-Business degree program where none of the other colleges do.) Hubband said he will be right there with me if I want to go for it, but what if I get laid off and need to go back to work full time in the middle of a semester? That's why I think U of P is the better choice. I can take night classes and use my days off for homework. Plus they are located near the gym and Boss-man is taking his classes there as well. Did I mention they already have an application on record for me there?

But I need to think about this one some more. Not get all impulsive about it just because it's my nature. I don't want to build up a lot of educational debt when we've just paid off what we have and I don't want to end up over stressed from trying to balance all that is on my plate.

Speaking of which, I should get going. I want to make the homefront presentable when the Hubband comes home and I have about 45 minutes in which to do so.

Later, gators...

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