Caribou stays home

Thursday, Jan. 24, 2002 07:21

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My plans for the day include spending lots of time at home playing with all the toys I've purchased over the last few weeks. These toys I've purchased with money I shouldn't have spent. I'm going to take the boy to school. Then I'm going to go to the store and stock up on things I need (really there are some things I need). Then I'm going to Blockbuster to see if there are any DVD's I've wanted to see. Then I'm going to come home and veg and make cards and do dishes and clean out the fridge and the microwave.

Fear not. I haven't given up on the fitness plan. I'm just going to go this weekend instead, when I will be less physically ... well ... let's just say it will be later in the month. Plus, Hubband is planning to shampoo the carpets so it will be nice to be out of the house.

Last night went well. We so looooove Little Boy's teacher. She is truly a gift. We decided to see how the rest of the year goes but the plan is to not hold him back this year. It may turn out 5th grade is pretty tough, but he may surprise us and he is doing well for the most part. He'll pretty much always need help with the reading and writing, but he's making progress. She agreed that the special ed teacher is not as experienced as LB needs or is used to. (The previous incredibly gifted teacher went on to district promotions.) Apparently, another teacher who has been on maternity leave is returning and we think this might help.

The best part of the meeting was her pointing out what a nice boy LB has become. How he's making real friends. How he's deciding which kids will get him in trouble and hanging with the other kids. How he hugs instead of hitting.

I love my son.

Afterward, we went to dinner where we had to wait 1/2 an hour for our table, then I had to help Hubband figure out what to order (since he insisted on wanting shrimp in a steakhouse). We ate the Bloomin' Onion. Big Boy didn't show and didn't call.

I had a screaming headache through the entire process. I think it was tension. The money thing really bugs me and at the same time makes me want to go out and buy, buy, buy.

Also, they fired another person at work yesterday. Someone I really like. Someone I see no reason for their letting go. It scares me. I wish they'd either get off the stick and fire me or make up their mind to keep me. Ugh!

Have to rouse the boy now.

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