Stay tuned for a word from caribou

Friday, Nov. 02, 2001 21:27

Guestbook - Notes - Yesterday - Author - Contact

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Okay, so you're dying to know how it all went wrong, aren't you? Well, let me tell you about my day...

First, I woke up late. Not a big deal. Happens about twice a week.

Then, I got rear-ended on the way to work. Still only minorly annoying. I found out the Tonka Truck can take a hit. Only the most minor damage to the rear bumper. Unfortunately, cappucino flew all over the cab (but if you ever run out of styling gel...)so that was yucky. Waited around for the other guy to get a ticket. Giggled at the lovely imprint the trailer hitch left in his front end. Guess that towing package wasn't a total loss after all.

So I got to work. Boss-man is quiet. No one is running up to me screaming "ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?" like they normally would. What gives? HR-woman comes up and she and Boss-man ask if I can join them in the conference room. Uh-oh!

Guess what? I've been very, very stupid. I've been using my work email here on Diaryland. Which is stupid because it contains my company name. And I work for an internet company, so they know their way around the internet. Apparently, someone tripped on one or two or six of my guestbook entries and then followed the bouncing links back to my site. Stupid. There they could find any number of details of our companies hirings and firings in black and white (okay, blue and yellow) with names and dates.

Again, stupid.

What did I do? I told the truth. I told her that I had never thought that anyone would have tripped on this information. And I had a logical reply to most of her arguments. Mostly, I agreed that it wasn't a good use of company resources to do entries to my diary while at work. I told her I didn't think the company made good use of my skills and the Boss-man confirmed the fact that I've been hounding him about more responsibility.

So far, it's just embarassing. I don't know how many people around the company have read my journal - could be many, could be just a few. I know the guy that found it read pretty deep into it and he's not exactly a friend of mine. But the worst thing that could happen to me is to have people know who I think is sexy and who isn't (big deal, I usually wear my heart on my sleeve anyway). The worst that could happen to someone else already has - I mentioned Unix-Tech-Guy leaving before he had actually given notice. He's not mad, so I can live with that.

I haven't felt this stupid in a number of years, but they say everything happens for a reason. I was getting bored of my old pages. Perhaps I need to freshen things up a bit? We'll see what happens from here.

Stay could get interesting.

0 comments so far

Where I Be - Wednesday, May. 23, 2007
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out of Hiding! - Saturday, Dec. 23, 2006
Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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