So much for stopping by B&N on the way home...

Wednesday, Oct. 09, 2002 18:37

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Well, it hasn't taken me long to get back into the stressful swing of full-time employment. Here I am, still at work in the middle of the night. Thank goodness Boy has geography homework tonight instead of something Hubband can't handle.

He's trying so hard to be sweet and supportive, but it bothers me that Hubband can't seem to be home without me unless he's drinking.

Maybe he'd be drinking anyway, but it seems to me he's more likely to drink when I'm not there.

The pager keeps going off. That's right. Not only full time work, but 24-hour-around-the-clock full time work. I hate this damned thing and it's such a long and stupid story why I have to wear it for the next 3 weeks. Let's just say it seemed to me to be a choice between losing my friend or losing my job. I chose to keep both and try to split the difference. We'll see what happens.

Yesterday was NOT a good day. I found myself having to whip out the "Mommy Voice" on more than one occasion. Not good.

Why did I decide I couldn't afford to lose this job, again?

On a much brighter note, it seems there's a good chance of getting an 'A' in my first college course. Of the four team presentations, at least ours wasn't the worst. Almost, but not quite. The content was great, I think, but we looked exactly like what we were: four people who did papers and slapped them together at the last minute. No teamwork at all. Could effect the grade, but most likely won't.

I went to the website to download the extra reading for the next class. Holy Crow! A ream or two of paper later and I'm chugging out the door. [Printed those puppies at work, too. No fool be I.] Think I'll get them all read with the wedding this weekend? Nope. Neither do I.

And the wedding. Tomorrow, we get the Boy tuxed out and continue the never-ending search for a gold barrette (who knew they were endangered) so that I might pretty up my hair. If I can't find one ~ tooo bad. I'll just wear my hair down and make everyone go, "Oooooh!"

I am soooooo glad CWF is taking Friday off. I have about eight hours more patience left and then I think I'll kill the next person that mentions getting married. To her credit, she's putting on a fantastic wedding. Especially, given the time constraints. But if you're feeling stressed, perhaps the kids could live without the customized coloring books or we could all live without the special-order gourmet cookies. (Okay, I'm just kidding about the cookies.)

I really am not lying to her when I tell her that the wedding is going to be wonderful and beautiful. But I'm not lying to her either when I tell her it's not too late to back out of the whole thing. Being married is not always easy, even if he is your soul mate. And no, you don't know that you'll never love anyone else, because maybe you haven't met the person who'll really tempt you to cheat. And then you'll know what your marriage is made of, my friend. Then you will know.

[Don't I sound all wise and everything?]

ZenFriend said I looked out of sorts today. I think maybe I should have ramped up to this working every day thing.

Then again, yummy J just popped his head in to see what I was still doing here. And I would have missed that. Hmmm.

I've decided to give up the gym. I just don't want to spend another 2-3 hours away from home. If I wanted to exercise, I could do it in half the time by doing it at home.

If I wanted to.

And, I'm also going to give the diet thing a boot. Not completely, but just not so rigid. It's not working for me on this schedule.

Why do I have to do all this at once? I couldn't just pace myself? Nope. Not me.

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