Stuff I'm doin...

Sunday, Apr. 28, 2002 20:16

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Sunday evening. Pizza cooking. Tired, but in a good way.

I feel like it's been so looonnnggg since I've been able to sit down and put thoughts together with key strokes. But it's been good to be this busy. I've accomplished a lot and feel myself getting back to the person I was last year.

This weeks big project? I started my garden. M came over last weekend and put together an elaborate plan. Too elaborate when we reviewed it, but it's a great guide.

Thursday, I turned the soil on the major part of the new garden. I moved the chunks of sod across the yard to where there is no summer sun and therefore no grass. I have to tell you, I don't think I've been that sore in...ever. I had bought several of the intended perennials for planting and spent the next couple days moving the plants in and out of the garage to avoid any frost.

I had intended to finish the gardening Friday night be the news that Big Boy was spending the night had us all waiting 25 minutes for dinner out. It was an enjoyable visit. I think the next year is going to be a rough one for BB. His ACT scores were pretty bad in the language area (worse than even I had thought they would be)so he is having to come up with contingency plans in the event his first choice college is not a possibility. It will be good for him, but a year of growth for sure. He's used to a pretty easy life and having things given to him. From here on out it's going to take work to get where he wants to go.

Saturday we got up early and got around to go buy dirt and peat for the garden. Came home and weeded the old garden, dug up the existing perennials that I was going to transplant and then spread the dirt about the garden. It didn't end up being near enough, so there's more work to be done on Tuesday, but I got enough of a good bed going to plant some of the larger new plants and to transplant the others. It worked out wonderfully that I finished just in time to get ready for my evening with Mom. A gentle rain all weekend is making sure my transplants go smoothly. Everything looks great so far.

Last night, Mom and I went to a production of "Godspell" at the Meadow Brook Theatre. We had a great dinner before and the play was wonderful. Enjoyed and evening of the arts before meeting Hubband and Little Boy at our friends for some Motor City Sports action. (Pistons and Red Wings playoff games.)

Today? Shopping. Getting things together. Just hanging out. Being a family.

I've been crafting more lately. I love having my tools so accessible. (Imagine if I had my own room!) It makes it much easier to just go grab the things I need and get to work. I made a pair of earrings last week. (It's so easy, why didn't I always do this?) And this afternoon I bought a blank covered journal and used my "Radiant Perls", stamps and stickers to turn it into a Gardening Journal. (I want to be able to reference what I'm doing now in the future to see what works and what doesn't.)

Well, I'm off to read to the Little Boy. We're on the 3rd Harry Potter.

Oh, and the pizza was quite yummy!

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