Stuff I'm too old to buy but like to listen to anyway

Saturday, Dec. 29, 2001 00:55

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It's late.

Hubband is mired in the sleep of those who have consumed large amounts of both Killian's and Nyquil.

I am listening to a CD. One that I made myself. It's a first. Yep, I'm excited.

I'm thinking of calling it "Headbanger's Ball". It's pretty loud stuff. Kind of obnoxious, too.

Some of these songs are not the "radio edit" versions.

So I guess I can't play the damned thing while I'm taking Little Boy to school, huh?

But here's my philosophy on those songs where they "edit" the "bad stuff". If the lyrics are so bad that they can't be played on the radio, perhaps the song shouldn't be on that station's playlist.

That doesn't mean I want my kid to hear it.

I do have a question, though. Why is it not okay for me to hear the words "chrystal meth" in a song or to hear about someone getting high, but it's perfectly acceptable for me to hear about people rolling around "buck-naked on the bathroom floor" during drive-time?

Just asking.

So, in case you want to laugh at me, here's a list of what I've got on my first CD, in no particular order:

Godzilla - Blue Oyster Cult

Jeremy - Pearl Jam

Rollin' - Limp Bizkit

Forever - Kid Rock

Enter Sandman - Mighty Mighty Bosstones (a great cover of the Metallica classic)

Bad Reputation - Joan Jett

Alive - P.O.D.

My Way - Limp Bizkit

Gimme - Alice Cooper

Girl At The Rock Show - Blink182

Cherry Bomb - Joan Jett & L7

Everything Zen - Bush

I was going for a mood here. I think I acheived it. (Part of that mood was called "stuff I like but wouldn't buy a whole CD to listen to".)

I learned my lesson with Uncle Kracker, dammit.

Oh, and just to make myself feel better about not doing anything yesterday, I took down all of the indoor Christmas decorations today, packed them away neatly and restored the house to it's normal order.

Well, the living room anyway. :)

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