Sumer Breeze, makes me feel fine...

Wednesday, Apr. 17, 2002 07:01

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The weather feels so odd this week. We're in the middle of April and it feels more like the middle of July. We've spent the last two nights sleeping with all the windows open and the ceiling fan whirring. Little Boy is spending each evening playing outside with his pals instead of watching TV. The sounds, the scents, the quality of light - it all screams Summer.

This weekend it's supposed to get back to normal (mid-50's) for a while. Hubband is thrilled and to tell the truth, so am I. Our little box of a house doesn't have central air and it's too early for it to be this stifling in here.

I must admit, there is a certain amount of joy in running around bare-legged. It's so soothing to feel the breeze drifting across my skin, seductive in its softness.

I did end up going shopping yesterday, but didn't buy anything. I just couldn't make myself do it. I think if I hadn't been suffering the throws of PMS, I might have. But nothing really seemed to catch my fancy. I might go back and see if Home Goods still has the cool pan that they had yesterday. It was $50, but such a great pan! All clad stainless and huge! A two quart frying pan with a lid and handles on both sides so I can do those stove-to-oven dishes. We'll see.

My new favorite CD is "Rock Steady" by No Doubt. Just in case you were wondering.

Tonight I think I'm going to hit the Aqua class at the gym. It's been awhile but I think it will be good for me. Also, I have a ton of things to do tomorrow to get ready for Hubband's birthday celebration on Saturday. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy.

Well, I should get going this morning. I'd really like to get out of here in time to hit Starbuck's. Not looking forward to working today. Boss-man is on vacation and it'll be all hormonal, I'm sure. Plus, I have to talk to TG about his attitude. Friday he set me off again on my way out the door and I let it ruin my whole evening. I can't let his paranoia invade my good mood! Best we get this out in the open. And there will be a ton of email to go through.

#$%^&! I'd better get going!

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