Surf City, Here I Come

Friday, Jul. 26, 2002 22:14

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I know I'm not updating very frequently when I have to go back and read the last entry just to get my bearings. Worse than this, I've been doing actual work at work and haven't been able to keep up much with anyone else's lives.

The tragedy of it all can be overwhelming. [giggle]

Today was CoWorker's last day before her trip. I was able to finish her presents and her bridal shoes (embellished sneaker slides) as I had hoped. The shoes turned out nice ~ even men were complimenting them! I wish I had taken a picture of them, but it didn't seem important at the time. The other gifts were a customized travel journal and a tiny scrapbook of pictures of Boy. (The latter turned out much nicer than expected, the former not so much.)

Poor Boy, he had spend the whole day entertaining himself because I had put these projects off for too long. I promised him a trip to the wave pool if he left me alone until 4:00. I had a coupon good for a 2-for-1 twilight admission. The admission price borders on the ridiculous, usually. Since he kept up his end of the bargain, I felt it was time to cash in the coupon.

The water park is located conveniently to our residence, so it didn't take us long to get our suits on and get going. Of course, as soon as we got in the car, it started raining. A few choruses of "Rain, Rain, Go Away" and it stopped, however. Blazing sunshine prevailed and, unlike today, the temps were mild and the humidity non-existent. We happily found ample parking and no lines, paid our money and put our stuff in a locker. I secured the key to my suit and we were off.

Ever been to a wave pool?? I hadn't. I'm also from Michigan, where there are no oceans and the big lakes are far too cold to encourage any sort of scampering. They supply you with free floating inner tubes and the idea is to ride the waves. And the waves come in shifts. A little bell rings, all the kids squeal and then the water churns until huge waves form.

Cool, huh? Only after you get used to it. It took me an hour to get used to it.

First, my butt doesn't fit in the tube. I totally understand that these tubes are designed for children, but I'm not any kind of strong swimmer so I wanted to float. I must have dumped myself twenty or thirty times before I finally managed to sprawl across the thing at an angle that seemed to work. (Lord only knows what sort of beached whatever I looked like but I didn't let go of that thing for at least half an hour. I was up there; I was staying there.)

Second, and I believe I've mentioned this, not familiar with the wave action AT ALL. Did you know that once they knock you down, they do not like to let you back up? Tiny children were crawling over me to get to the deeper water and the bigger waves and I was just sitting in the 2ft. section trying to catch my breath between waves. After a couple of cycles of that mess, I learned to stand up. (Reminding me much of my attempts at water skiing, only with a successful finish!)

So now I'm groovin' with the raft and I've learned to negotiate the waves okay. Boy has run off to the water playground where the giant bucket dumps water on the little kids. I decided I wanted to go to the deep end. How deep? 8 Feet. The funny part is the pool starts at 0 depth and gradually goes to 4 ft...before it plummets to 8 ft.

By this time I had finally found a way to comfortably use the float thingy (do not ask which parts of my body hurt) and I thought I was sooooo cool.

Except I'm in 8 ft. of water and my arms are tired and the waves are much less friendly at this end of the pool and I don't seem to be able to move.

And then the guy next to me started to drown and I got really scared. Because there was no way I could let go and try to get to him or we'd both drown and I have children so that wasn't going to happen. Luckily they have a plethora of life-guards at this joint. If ever there was a place that needed life guards, this one is it. The young lady did a wonderful job and was in the water saving the poor kid, just seconds after I realized there was a problem. She blew the whistle and they shut down the wave and she saved him - all in a manner of seconds.


Of course the poor kid's buddies made fun of him because he wasn't allowed back in the park after that.

I decided about then to make sure I was a little closer to both my boy and a place where I could touch bottom. Just in case.

After two hours of that mess, I'd had it and we were packing up when I realized the key to my locker? Gone. Guess I had missed the secure part when securing it to my suit. I felt like supreme doofus asking the young manager (who probably graduated with Big Boy this summer) to open my locker for me.

We arrived home about 7:30, after grabbing some fast food grub. So tired I was, and a bit cranky for some reason. I still had to put together the tiny scrapbook and managed to finish it about 10pm, just as Hubband was pulling into the driveway. I just left all the crap right where it was and went to bed.

Ended up sleeping in until 8am and being much later getting to work than I had planned. Lucky for me, everyone else left early so I could, too.

More on the weekend as it unfolds.

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