The Cold That Wouldn't Die

Wednesday, Dec. 04, 2002 17:52

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I am so tired right now, I don't know if I can drive home without running over someone/thing. My cold, which was almost non-symptomatic by the time I left work last night, has kicked back into high gear. Right about 10:15 last night. (I think it was meant to distract me from "The Osbournes". Otherwise, I'd probably spend the night crying, he's so sad.) By the time I woke up this morning, I could hardly swallow.

My co-worker who is a former nurse and a mother checked me for fever and declared me fever-free. If anyone would know, she would. So it's just that stuffy-headed-seven-year-old thing again.

Boy, on the other hand, looks like someone stabbed him in the eye with a stick. His Pink Eye is all cleared up except for this one incredibly red patch just above his iris on his left eye. Unless he looks down, you can't really see it, but when he does it looks awful. It's going away, though.

They finally evaluated my transcripts at school and came up with a whopping 48 credits - including 4 credits of Math - Yippie! I'll have to take some of the basics, like science, and at least one more math class, but I should be able to nip this in the bud by 2005, easily. (I know, it sounds like a long way off, doesn't it?) My current instructor is insane and I'm not real fond of most of my study buddies, but that's okay. I'll get by and move on.

Nothing much else going on.

Tree's up and (sort of) decorated. Lights are on the house. All the presents are wrapped and under the tree except the three or four I have left to buy. I mailed out my first batch of Christmas cards, but still need to make 35 more. Or get 35 fewer friends. I'm thinking I might split the difference. We have barely started to prepare for the annual Christmas Fiesta that is now less than two weeks away. (Did I mention Hubband has invited everyone he's ever met?) I do not know where we're going to put these people. Luckily, many of the parents of small children have said they would be getting sitters.

Yes, people. Lovely idea! That way, perhaps instead of chasing your 4-year-old around my house and down the street I can entertain my guests! Truthfully, we encourage people to bring their kids and Boy loves having people to hang with. But last year a couple brought all 5 of their children. All under 10! And then spent the better part of their visit ignoring them and then looking for them. Not. Fun. For. Me.

So if you're invited to a Christmas Open House this year, only bring your children if you plan to watch them or if they're old enough to watch themselves. Consider this a cranky public service announcement.

Speaking of cranky, I should get going home. CWF was going to stop by and pick something up tonight. I kind of hope she's done that already. I miss her but I'm too tired to chitchat.


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