How Was Your Thanksgiving

Friday, Nov. 29, 2002 07:03

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I'm sitting at my computer, surrounded completely by boxes of Christmas decorations. It's a little overwhelming, to say the least.

Our holiday was great. Compared to Wednesday, it couldn't be anything but. Wednesday was one of those days where nothing worked out the way I had it planned. Nothing major - certainly nothing I had to get upset about. Just a multitude of tiny frustrations. It helps to remind myself that I have it really, really good.

So, yesterday. Aside from the fact that Boy is illin' a bit, and the Lions SUCK, and not one strand of our outdoor lights worked, which sent Hubband into a tizzy...we had a good day. My total cooking for the day consisted of whipping up a batch of "St0ve T0p Stuffing" and picking up the deli tray. Hubband made chili and his special spinach dip. I had made pumpking cheesecake the night before. I popped the cork on a bottle of wine and we settled in to eating. It was exactly what I wanted and tasted great.

After we watched the Lions SUCK, we were thrilled to find out the T1m McGr@w special, which our local network had pre-empted on Wednesday to show pre-parade coverage, was on at 4 PM. Aside from Grandma and Hubband talking through a lot of it, Nana and I enjoyed it greatly.

Afterwards, we field tripped it over to Nana's to check out her new bathroom, which is not quite finished but looks wonderful. Then we were off to see S0laris.

I liked the movie very much, even though I found it a little slow. My main complaint, however, is that Ge0rge Cl00ney is so damned handsome it was distracting. I'm trying to follow the story and I'm thinking about how long his eyelashes are or whether that little divit above his left eyebrow is a chicken pox scar. I must say; he's worth the price of admission. And I found the movie quite entertaining.

Then we came home and talked to Favorite Niece in FL. She sounded a little tired, but happy. She's going to have a baby around our anniversary sometime. How exciting. It will be the first baby for that generation. Surprising since she has been married the least amount of time of all her married cousins. But the eldest has kidney problems and shouldn't have children and her brother's wife is a teacher and wants to wait a while. (Don't blame her one bit.) Personally, I hope Big Boy waits a good long time. :)

Today will be about decorating and doctor's appointments. I flipped through the ads and don't see anything worth dragging Boy out to the stores to purchase. We will stop somewhere after his appointment to get lights for Hubband and then just be home. We're supposed to go to Best Friend's house tonight for the Parade, but we'll have to see if Boy has Pink Eye or just bad sinuses, first.

I said last night that I wouldn't mind if we didn't get to go and Hubband said, "Of course you wouldn't. You never want to do anything." Which hurt my feelings, even though it's partially true. I enjoy just being with my family in my home. Apparently, that's not enough for him.

Oh, well. I should be decking the halls now. Have a lovely day.

2 comments so far

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