Where does the time go?

Wednesday, May. 01, 2002 08:02

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It's getting to be that my days off are busier than my days at work! I can barely find the time to sit down at the computer. Even when I do, it seems my mind is just not on what I'm doing.

The garden is done...at least for now. I'll be planting some more perennials when M divides up her garden next weekend. I'll also be putting in some filler annuals before the big graduation bash. But for now, it's done. And something frightening has happened on the way to my garden.

I think I've begun to enjoy gardening.

Very scarey.

First excercise and now gardening? Who am I?

I think this is having a lot to do with my lack of writing these days. I've found I have multiple outlets for my creativity now. I guess I have to make time for all of them.

I'm getting better at the rubber stamping. As always, my greatest foe is my lack of P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E when it comes to anything. Right now I'm working with making these clay pendants. It's a multi-step process involving several stages of "drying time". Of course, this is difficult for me so I had to try to shortcut the process and ended up smearing the ink. I also realized, after the last part of my stamping was completed, that I had stamped my images upside down. Turns out I kind of like it this way, but it's a lesson I'm constantly being taught.

One day maybe I'll learn it.

Work is okay. It's a terrible environment, full of paranoia and poisonous negativity. At the same time, I am rising to the occasion (as is my nature, I think) and making the best of the situation. I barely think about it on my time off, but, funny thing, I'm constantly dealing with it in my dreams. I've gotten to the point where I think I can deal with being fired if it comes to that.

Which it will if I don't get my fanny to work. ...la vista.

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Where I Be - Wednesday, May. 23, 2007
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
Out With The Old... - Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006
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Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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