Toledo Travelogue

Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2002 When D'land went down.

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So. Very. Tired.

Yesterday spent cleaning out the basement and {partially} setting up the new Craft Area!!!

Up this morning at 9:00. This seems to be our new "vacation" time to get up. (Won't Monday come as a shock?) Everyone showers, dresses, deoderizes and we hit the road. Stop at the Starbucks/gas station for various road treats and we're in Toledo by 11:00.

Can I just say that the Toledo Zoo is cool? So much prettier and more viewer friendly than ours. Ours is too open and dusty and doesn't really have the plant thing going on. Theirs has beautiful gardens and very separate spaces for each animal and the most wonderful Aviery. And an Aquarium. How happy was I? Very, very.

The most wonderful part for me, however, was the sudden interest that the Boy showed in every single exhibit. Usually he blows off the zoo as a really long way to get to the gift shop, but this time he was into it. When he wasn't right beside me he was ahead of me hollering, "Mom, come look at this!"

Our plan was to head from the zoo to some eating establishment, then to 5/3 Field for the Mudhen's baseball game. (Minor League farm team for the Detroit Tigers.) But we finished early with the zoo and had more than a few hours to kill.

Hubband has some severe foot problems and decided he could do not more walking for an hour or two, so we drove downtown and parked near the stadium (free for some reason). Hubband pointed out a the tavern he had enjoyed with his work buddies earlier this summer, "The Durty Bird", and I came up with a brainstorm! Hubband goes to get tickets and procures a table at the tavern while Boy and I check out the COSI (Center of Science and Industry), the area children's museum, a few blocks away. Since the game starts a 7:00 and COSI closes at 5:00, we'd have plenty of time to meet him for dinner.

It worked out perfectly, with the exception of my feeling faint an nauseous on the way back to the restaurant and being a little on the cranky side because the waitress was not attentive enough. Once I had food in my belly, the nicer more pleasant Caribou emerged. A nice rest to everyone's feet, some rehydration and return of normal body temps, and we were on our way.

Hubband had been only able to procure SRO tickets, due to the popularity of the 'Hen's brand new downtown stadium. It was also "Dog Days of Summer", where patrons could pay an extra $6 and bring their dogs; proceeds going to the area Humane Society. They had the cutest little doggie parade and everything. Some beautiful creatures and some sweet ones. Also some in "outfits" no one should subject their pets to. (I have pictures I'll have to post tomorrow.)

We stayed through four innings, watching the 'Hens get trampled by the Louiville River Bats. We got to sit when we wanted because of the ample handicapped seating. We're big wanderers anyway. I spent a goodly amount of time being driven mad by the little "duck calls" that were handed out to all the children. (As Hubband said, it took a marketing genius not to figure out that the duck calls would drive all the dogs batshit!) But it was a nice night for a game.

Leaving there we headed on home, up 75 to Michigan. We stopped in Monroe, just over the state line, to play some mini-golf. I played solidly and had one of my better games as did Boy, Hubband did not and we ended up each a point from the other: myself, Hubband and Boy. (Hubband tends to be a bit competitive about the sports and cranky when he "loses".)

It was a quiet ride home. :)

Came home to find a message from CWF. She was calling from her state room on the QE II. Also, my cool new Caphelon pan arrived from (On sale for $30!) How happy could I be!

Tomorrow is my day to play alone. Lunch with JB and maybe some shopping, maybe a workout. Who knows. It is my day.

Guess I better join Hubband in bed if I plan to get an early start.

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