Too pretty out to be doing this!

Tuesday, Jul. 23, 2002 12:09

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Here I am, half the day gone and not having done much in the way of whittling on my to-do list. Reasons? Oh, I could make some up, but mostly because I lay about the sofa and bed too long in the morning.

Near Neighbor's kid was having a party last night. Which meant Hubband couldn't sleep. Which meant I couldn't sleep. (Truth be told it was the two Cokes and one iced tea that probably did it for me.) That and the respiratory issues I was having.

But this morning has bloomed beautiful after the "storms" of last night. Puh-leeze! These were not storms worthy of any kind of warning. Pathetic. People, I grew up in Shiawassee County, deep in the flatest part of Michigan. You want to know about storms? I could tell you about storms.

But I won't.

My grandmother was here earlier. Apparently, just to illustrate why we didn't want her to get a car. Seems here payment was due tomorrow and she had not received a billing, didn't know her account number or where to send the payment. So she called the loan company and somehow the conversation ended up that she had to fax them a copy of her social security card because her name was wrong on the account. So she went to the credit union looking for someone to fax it for her. They told her, most sweetly, I'm sure, that they really couldn't help her with her loan from another institution.

She had already been to the dealership but her sales person was having root canal.

So she came here.


I was, embarassingly, in my nightie catching up on all my electronic medium when she rang the bell. She was all huffing and wheezing from the climb up three steps to the door and very, very upset. I'm sure in her mind she was seeing the repo-man at the door. I was sure any confusion was on her end. So, I got on the phone with loan company and got ahold of someone nice and pleasant. I explained the situation (confused 82-year-old who never had a loan in her life) and was told that they somehow had it on their records as my grandmother requesting the change of name on her account; thus indicating a need for proof of said name an SSN# matching.

They have her name off by one letter. Nothing urgent. No biggie. As a matter of fact, and I confirmed this, she could pay as many payments as she likes without changing the name. It will only cause a problem at the end of the lease.


Tomorrow, I will take Grandma's SS card to work and make a copy which I will pop in the mail to the address given me by the nice patient loan servicer.

I was also assured that they are behind on their billing and that is why Grandma has not received one yet, they suggested she wait a couple of days and assurred me she would not be penalized in any way.


After work tomorrow I'm going to go over there and go through her loan paperwork and show her what stuff is so she can relax.

CoWorker Friend's invitations came in the mail last night. They are beautiful. I love how all the response cards have my name and address on them so I can pretend it's my wedding. (snicker) She was so sweet. The future in-laws came down over the weekend to have a peek at the dresses and decide what to order - and she paid for my dress. Sweet of her.

She now has deposits on everything and it is all arranged so she only needs to get ready for her trip (she leaves Monday). Everything has worked out beautifully, with the exception of her best friend not being able to even make it to the wedding. Seems she is testifying before congress that day. (Damned good excuse, huh?) We decided that we would just work the date of the Bachelorette-Tea around her schedule so at least she can participate in some of the fun stuff.

The Bachelorette-tea was my idea. I don't have a clue about throwing a shower (and didn't want to anyway). (Don't worry, she has cousins knocking her down for the opportunity.) And CoWorker friend doesn't drink. We're all a little old to see nekkid men dancing around on the table. So I decided to have High Tea at a local foo-foo hotel instead. Squeals of delight from CoWorker Friend.

And I was going to stay home today and pay bills and work on her gifts, but it's too beautiful to stay inside. So I think I'll run some errands instead and work on it later.

Boy and I are off to Applebee's for lunch. See you later!

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