Turnin Point

Saturday, Oct. 26, 2002 01:19

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What a day. (Shakes her head.)

Happy early start.

Nervous breakdown.

Happy late ending.

I think I unleashed about thirty years worth of bad feelings on JBH this afternoon. Poor fella, and today was his birthday. Oh well. It had to come out sometime. That's one of the downsides to the antidepressant. When it comes, it comes in a flood that no levee of common sense will postpone. The upside is that when that completely suicidal feeling washes over me (the one where my wrists turn warm and I can imagine grabbing my scissors and slicing them open), I don't give into it.

And then the program works and those people that do know me make sure I feel better and I leave as happier than I've been in days. I leave feeling like things will work out.

This evening has been everything I've needed for so long.

I left work almost on time and picked up Boy. We went to the Slurpee store and then to get videos. He didn't find any games he liked but I managed to snag four movies to add to the two Hubband borrowed from a friend at work. Tonight's menu:

"Changing Lanes" ~ This didn't turn out to be as awful as I might have imagined. Of course the ending totally ruined it for me, I would have like it to have ended when Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Affleck apologized to each other. I liked it when Ben Affleck said he was going to go look at a boat and then come back to work on Monday. That seemed more realistic to me. (Oh, it's not like I'm giving something away here.)

"Insomnia" ~ Different than I anticipated, but somehow boring. I wanted more of Maura Tierney and less of Al Pacino. Beautiful scenery, though. I so want to go to Alaska. I am all about enjoying the midnight sun. (And they get extra points for managing to squeeze in the gratuitous vomit scene.)

"Kissing Jessica Stein" ~ Which is my very, very favorite. I think it says a lot about women's relationships with each other. The very best of women friends are just a step or two away from kissing each other. I really would like to see these actors in something else.

It now creeping up on 1 am and I've still got three movies left to watch tomorrow. And since I've got my nifty laptop, here, I was able to complete both of my homework assignments while enjoying my cinematic fare. Sweet! Guilt-free movie viewing. This also leaves tomorrow free and clear for me to do whatever suits my fancy. Well, me and my Boy.

Speaking of my Boy, I'm pretty proud of him. He's reading! It's a beautiful thing. And, while we still have a hard time with the handwritten word, he's in the middle of the most beautifully written story on the computer. After 10 minutes in the car with him I feel refreshed from even the worst day.

Well, I should get this online and get to bed. Staying up all night isn't going to make the morning any easier to take. We don't want to waste the weekend, now, do we?

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