Two Hours I'd Gladly Give Again

Thursday, Jul. 18, 2002 15:58

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I cannot believe it's 4:00 already. I guess that's what I get for laying (lying) in bed until after 9:00 this morning.

My faith in movies has been restored. I saw "Road To Perdition" last night. By far the best thing I've seen since "A Beautiful Mind". I'm sorry to admit that I had to look up the word 'perdition' in the dictionary because I had no clue what it meant. Now I get it. Yup. The theatre where I saw the movie had it listed as "Road To Redemption". That would be a whole 'nother movie, now, wouldn't it?

I sing the talents of Paul Newman once again. And Stanley Tucci. And, of course, Tom Hanks. But really, Paul Newman. One of the things I really love about him is that he bucks the trend and tends to play men HIS OWN AGE!!! No Michael Douglas complex there. Even in movies where he's flirting with women half his age, he lets us in on the fact that their half his age.

Oh, and Jude Law. In this movie he so reminded me of Malcolm MacDowell in "A Clockwork Orange".

The last half hour of the movie was predictable - actually, I don't think there was a part of the movie that wasn't - but I so enjoyed watching it being played out. So beautiful.

I also enjoyed seeing so much familiar landscape. Parts of the movie were filmed in the area Hubband and I have honeymooned. Beautiful dunes on the shore of the big lake. Love. It.

Then, today, just for a change of pace, I took boy to see "Eight-Legged-Freaks". Also a totally predictable movie that I enjoyed watching being played out. Too stupid. Too funny. Even Boy knew there were parts that were more to be laughed at than screamed at. I have to admit, I would have gone with someone of lesser talent than Scarlett Johansen for the daughter (also someone a little farther in age from the woman playing her mom), but the rest of the cast was entertaining.

I love me a stupid giant bug movie, now and then.

I came home, cooked up some rice, fed the boy and started dishes, laundry and a pot of brown rice while I cleaned the bath. I now have to go finish the dishes, move the laundry to the dryer and clean the mess the rice made on the stove.

Hubband called earlier to ask if we got any rain. Nope. Lots of thunder, clouds and humidity but still no rain. Frustrating, but at least not as damaging as too much rain. (I don't think our basement's ever been as dry as it's been this year!)

Must go. Maybe more later. Most likely tomorrow.

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