
Wednesday, Jan. 02, 2002 08:00

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Yesterday was an interesting day.

We went to Squirrel's "party" which turned out to be just us. And we were even late due to Hubband's helping the Nana with something and getting his only jeans all dirty.

We were worried about how Little Boy would get along with the kids, as they are older and more "wordly", but they turned out not to be home. So LB sat in their game room and played PS2 while the 'rents partied in the basement.

Turned out to be a rotten day for football. (Right Roadie?) We mostly sat around drinking beers and munching on snack food and - ahem (hangs head in shame) - smoking.

I had to leave early because I had made a 3rd set of plans with Nana to see a movie. I just didn't feel like I could cancel on her again. The Hubband and LB caught a ride home from our hosts.

Nana and I had dinner at Chili's and did a little shopping at Target before catching an evening showing of "The Shipping News".

I liked the movie a lot. It's not for everyone, I'm sure, but I like movies that are about people more than I like movies that are heavy on "plot". (I'm not sure I expressed that the way I meant it, but I hope so.)

Unfortunately, my stomach had been bothering me all day. I had thought I was just hungry, but it got worse after dinner. Must have either been the nuts I ate at the JB's or the beer. My system doesn't approve of nuts and I'm not used to drinking beer much any more.

Whatever it was, I couldn't wait to get home and curl up in my flannels.

Today is off to a relatively good start. I managed to be out of bed by 7:00 am and get LB out of bed by 8:00. I need to start getting us back to a normal schedule or there will be hell to pay when I go back to work.

I have a large list of "To Do's" to do. I haven't really worked on my "resolutions" yet. Hubband and I used to do this religiously, only they weren't so much "resolutions" as "Goals and Objectives". He's really into self-help tapes and had heard that this was a good way to make things stick.

Instead of making a long list of things to do and not to do, we would pick no more than three or four goals for the coming year. These would be habits we wanted to incorporate into our lives. We would list the goals and then underneath each goal list the ways in which we could achieve these goals. We'd type them up and post them on the fridge were we could reinforce them daily.

I must admit, Hubband is good with the goals and I am not so much, but this method seemed to help. We haven't done this in a couple of years and I think I'd like to do it again this year. I don't like how easy it's been to fall back into bad health habits and there are some things I want to work on in the coming year.

But I haven't yet figured out what those are.

That's my goal for today, I guess. To think about what this coming year might hold for me and how I can make that work.

I'll keep you posted.

Cause I know you can't stand the suspense. :)

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